Our Favorite Thing

It’s a funny thing to think about–getting all these people in one room at the same time. Quite likely, we just need a bigger room I guess.

But until that time, we’ll just snuggle up…

and enjoy being together.

Whether we’re listening to beloved speakers from General Conference

or eating all the mini feasts that each session brings…

one of the best parts is passing that sweet baby around…

or watching the kids taking their own “notes.”

It warms my heart to watch my kids with their kids…

or with their spouses having such a good time–living, learning…

and just hanging out with some of our very favorite people.

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10 Replies to “Our Favorite Thing”

  1. That would imply that there ever were leftovers with this crowd. Not. a. chance. Just think how much we’ll have to cook when the Bald Kid comes home. :}

  2. Being together for Conference is one of my very favorite things in the whole, wide world. 🙂 It helps me remember what’s so important in life. It helps keep things in perspective AND it’s a load of fun! *:D*

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