Oregon~ Beach House


I promised to show you the insides of the wonderful beach house that was our home for nearly a week.

Are you ready?


This is the kitchen/great room. It was positively perfect!

The stairs leading to the loft/playroom. That’s the front door on the bottom right.

The first place that Miss Lily went was out on to the deck to check out the view.



looking in.


The beach was actually quite a ways below our back deck.


We had to go down about a thousand stairs at the end of the block to get all the way to the water.  These stairs went to the lower patio where the hot tub was.

The loft had just enough space for the Bald Kid to stake it out as “his room.”


Josh, scoping out the kitchen.

Dane thinking deep thoughts about…I don’t know what.

Jacob and Magoo…


Kortney and Lyndi.


The little guy staying up way past his bedtime. But heck, it’s vacation…


and there’s a ping pong tournament going on.


Don’t wait up.








2 Replies to “Oregon~ Beach House”

  1. This place was great. I loved how it fit everyone perfectly, without us all being in each others space, but not feeling too separated. A very nice balance. 🙂

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