My Sweet Babies

Ok, is your heart just melting right now? Mine is. Our little babies are at that adorable phase where they look more like stuffed animals than actual, live kittens.

This is Tilly Clawhauser, our true calico.

Of course, they are also at the age where they wiggle so much that it’s a miracle if I can get a clear picture of them…at all.

This is little Tiger Tummy.

And in case you’re worried, nooooo, I’m not holding them by the neck to get the shot. They are sitting on my lap and I’m propping them up with my hand. My sweet little grandson saw the pictures and asked why I was choking them. I’m not, honey…I swear.  Yikes.

This is Jersey Pie.

Lastly, we have the one we simply call Grey Baby. Because except for his feet, he’s…you know…grey.

I love, love, LOVE having kittens in the house. It just makes me so happy. Plus, it makes the grandkids visit more often.

That’s a big plus.



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