Mother’s Day Getaway~ 3

Day 1 ~Afternoon~

After the glorious breakfast at Kneader’s and our fabulous total foot make-over, we packed up and hit the road for Park City.

The guys booked a weekend stay at a condo in the former Olympic Village

Ooooh–it was a pretty little place with positively everything that we needed for a perfect time.

I’ve always dreamed of going on a vacation or cruise where we has some kind of group room or suite where we could all be together and still have our own space when we needed to. Well this, my friends, was exactly such a place.

The kitchen was enormous and stocked with dishes, silverware and every small and large appliance that you could think of…

and a huge dining room table that seated nearly every one of us at the same time.

This was my room with an incredibly high bed. No kidding, it was so tall and puffy that I had to stand back and jump up on to it. But oh, my goodness—it was soft! I felt like that princess with all the piled up mattresses…and the pea. Except no pea.

I did, however have to bring my own Cheetoes.

It’s fine.

I’m used to it.

Dane is in Texas working so Kortney brought her sweet friend Emily along–who we positively love.

They shared the bunk bed room.

April and Jacob and the kids had the master suite. The kids slept on a mattress in the walk in closet. Lyndi and Nate stayed in a second master suite in the basement. I didn’t get a picture of it or Jillian’s room for some odd reason.

The deck came with a barbeque and a lovely little jacuzzi…

that was a huge hit!

It was an easy place to just make ourselves at home.

That is, before hitting the outlet stores for some major shopping and…

well, I’ll save the rest for tomorrow.


5 Replies to “Mother’s Day Getaway~ 3”

  1. Oh, it was SOOO much fun. We want to go for a few days longer next time because we just got comfortable and it was time to go. I loved it so much. :}

  2. I’ll find one for you. The guys were in charge of all that stuff, so I’ll talk to them. It was PERFECT…seriously. We assigned out the different meals to the separate families and then sat back and let it all happen. So much fun.

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