Meet Lyla

You know when you’ve always, ALWAYS had a little kitty in your life, how when all of a sudden there isn’t a kitty in your life, well…it’s a problem?

After sweet Jiffy died we were so sad and missed her so much, but I had just had foot surgery and even though I thought I could certainly take care of a kitty–I really couldn’t.

So, to ease my heart a bit, I went on an internet search to find the perfect little feline–assuming that it would take weeks, months even. But that’s not how the kitty fairies work. At least not that day.

I saw this little one with all her sisters and brothers and my breath caught.  It was the day of the doTERRA Company Christmas party–I remember it very clearly.

My son saw the picture of this fluffy sweetheart and instead of saying, “You can’t take care of a kitten yet. Your foot is still in a cast,” he said, “Ohhhhh she’s cuuuute!”

The owner and I texted back and forth during the whole Christmas party. I was thinking if she could just hold her for me for a week, I’d have the cast off and be ready. But the owner said if we were serious, we’d have to come get her the very next day from Price, Utah– 75 miles away! If we couldn’t come, someone from Idaho wanted her. That was the deal.

Thinking it wouldn’t work I told Rhen and instead of saying, “Too bad,”  he said, “ROAD TRIP!!!” The next day, he took off work early and we went to pick up this sweet baby. 

She fussed and cried to get out of the crate the whole ride home, but I was too scared she’d scramble under the car seat if I let her out. I talked to her and sang to her and squished my fingers in the holes of the carrier.

When we finally got her home–she wouldn’t come out of the crate at all. She was too nervous to face the great big world. I had to reach in and get her.

Meet our sweet Lyla everyone. She is 3/4 Maine Coon and 1/4 Persian. Tiny and soft and dainty and gorgeous.

Welcome home baby. I hope you’re with us forever.


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