Hot Air Balloons?

Did anybody notice that there was no post for the 4th of July Balloon Festival?


Well, that, my friends is because we were totally ready to go at 5:30 am but when we arrived at the field…


all the people and cars were going the other direction.


Apparently, there was too much cloud cover and too much wind so the whole darn shootin’ match was canceled and everyone was heading back home.


Which pretty much means that this year the Hot Air Balloon Festival was just, you know….


Yeah, I crack myself up.


Luckily, even in a dreadful crisis such as this, we still know how to behave.

It was a good day.


4 Replies to “Hot Air Balloons?”

  1. Anna was wondering why there wasn’t a flying pig this year as we were running the race. We usually watch the balloons after the race. Good to know why they weren’t there.

  2. While I still really missed seeing the hot air balloons, we DID still have a lot of fun, didn’t we? 🙂

    You didn’t mention all the SLUGS though… BAAA HA HA HA! Maybe that’s coming up next? 😉

  3. Yeah, we went and missed it too. 🙁 I had to leave my house here at 5:00am too!! We went and bought some food and went to the Provo parade afterwards so it was a good day still. We went and saw the balloons the next day. 😀 Looks like you guys had fun. I’ve got to make some of that fruit pizza too, it looks good!

  4. I still saw one hot air balloon flying in the air the next day while on the way to work, so I felt like I had a piece of it still. 🙂

    That fruit pizza looks SO good.

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