I found this lovely thing while exploring a great site called Your Home Based Mom. It’s actually more like a cake, but you’ll enjoy calling it bread–because you won’t feel so guilty eating it.
Try really hard to share…if you can. I triple-dog-dare you.
Lemon Bread
1 C sugar
6 Tbsp. soft butter
1 ½ C flour
¼ tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. Baking powder
½ C milk
Grated rind of one lemon
2 eggs
Poor, naked lemon. Doesn’t it just look…embarrassed somehow?
Mix all ingredients, pour into loaf pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour.
1/3 C powdered sugar
Juice of one lemon
Pour on top of bread while warm and still in the pan. Let cool in the pan and then remove.
Fresh Lemon Bread
- 1 C sugar
- 6 Tbsp. soft butter
- 1 ½ C flour
- tsp. salt
- 1 Tbsp. Baking powder
- C milk
- Grated rind of one lemon
- 2 eggs
- Mix all ingredients, pour into loaf pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour.
⅓ C powdered sugar
Juice of one lemon
Mix together and pour on top of bread while warm and still in the pan. Let cool in the pan and then remove.

You post the best recipes… Yesterday I tried your Brazilian limeade and everyone loved it!! thanks for all the fun recipes to try!!
How do you have time to do all of this???? Every day there is at least one amazing thing that you have done or new thing that you have tried… it is so fun to have a little window to your world!
Alex–My family is getting good at saying, “Wait! Did mom get a picture of that yet?” Sometimes they are scared to eat stuff in case I’m not finished “blogging it.” ha ha
Remember though–I don’t have tiny babies that are my responsibility anymore. I just get to PLAY with them–so I have more time. That’s it.
Dot isn’t the Brazillian Limeade good? Love it. And this lemon stuff was good too. Thanks Mom!
This “bread” was tasty!!! 🙂 yUUUm!!! Let’s make more because, uhhh, bread is good for you! 😉
Oh wow, what a tasty looking treat. I could almost feel the pucker from the lemons.
I make a lemon cake that is similar. It’s the glaze that seals the deal! Looks delicious!
Fresh Lemon Bread recipe…
Do you spray for baking pan to prevent sticking?