Slip Sliding Away

Sadly, I didn’t get a picture of the freezing rain that we’ve been dealing with for the past few days–and finally, FINALLY it’s starting to melt. We were admittedly too busy staying warm in the house to bother with the camera. But a couple of people got the slick adventure on tape. So here you go~

Sliding around on BYU Campus and a new way to get to class. :}


Just trying to get in the car. Poor girl. I think her friend in the car must have had enough of a time getting there that she knew enough to get out her camera. This one almost made me cry for laughing!

I did venture out for a minute one day and the shop clerk came running out to the parking lot to warn me that it was a “skating rink” and to be careful and take her arm.” I had visions of us both hitting the deck in a heap, but luckily, we made it in safe and sound. Crazy stuff.

Weatherman says to expect it to snow for the next two days…


Heh, heh.


Complete White Out

Overnight the leaves on the giant willow tree in the backyard turned a gorgeous nearly-neon yellow, and started to fall. Oh, but not fast enough.

While I  was frantically snapping the photos, the predicted snow started to fall and it got cold…fast.

I watched from the doorway for as long as I could, but look at the size of those flakes! Have one of them land on your bare neck and see how long you can take it. Brrrr…

Oh, it was beautiful though, and it came down…

all…day…long. I know I’ve said this before, but I’ve always dreamed about being totally snowed in for a week or so.

Of course, I’d need the furnace to work overtime and a big basket of yarn right next to the couch for my fantasy to come totally true.

 And never-ending hot chocolate could work well too. :}

What’s the weather like where you are? Do you love it?

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About Time…

At last, at last! We woke up one morning this last week to actual, true-live, measurable snow fall. Normally, by this time of year we’re getting a bit weary of the ice and slush and salt everywhere. But this has been a very, very odd winter.

I mean, honestly, we’ve had days of 60 degree temperatures that have the fruit trees all budding–in February.

So, naturally, a couple of weeks before “Spring” officially arrives, old man winter starts acting like…old man winter.

In fact, I didn’t get too many photos of the snow–close up, because it was windy and icy and really, reeeally cold. I’m pretty much a wuss when it comes to standing out in the freezing stuff.

Oh, I love snow and I’m glad it’s here and I just want to sit and stare at it for hours…

through the window…

from the couch…

with a fleece blanket…

and some hot chocolate.


On A Winter’s Day

Took a little stroll around the yard with the little Missy this afternoon…you know, just to see how things are going for all the neglected things outside in the cold. It’s been so long.

Periwinkle…in there somewhere…


Faded, pretend chicken, still hanging out under the rosebush…


Strawberries hanging on…

and the silly little Buddah man–just happy to be here. He looks cold though.

The fruit trees are trying to bud–and they shouldn’t be doing that…

not in February.

Cute kitty…

and Nessie are still with us…thank goodness.

Even our music stick is in fine shape in this crazy 22 degree weather.

She lasted longer than I did, this little snow baby of ours. I’m heading in for some Peppermint tea…and a brownie.

I’ll watch from the window on this chilly winter day.
