Old Daddy Willow

100 happy days #45…with a bit of sadness mixed in.


Woke up the other day to this outside the window.


Luckily, we knew ahead of time that it was happening…but still…


after as many years as we have lived here…


and after as many years as this old tree has lived here…


it was still a shock to see it coming down.

Believe me, we don’t take this kind of thing lightly, especially when it’s such an ancient, beautiful tree.


But, sadly, the wind storms that we’ve had lately have taken out so many big limbs and damaged so many others, that we realized that the next limbs to go would likely take the neighbors roof–or worse yet, their children’s play set–out with it.


THAT was too big of a risk and it wasn’t worth taking. So the only thing to do was to remove the risk completely.

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But ooooh, it was a sad, sad day.

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We’ll certainly miss that old guy in the corner.


What on EARTH?

100 Happy Days #40


Last time we had beautiful spring blossoms–


and now we’re having a mini blizzard.

019It’s a sign I tell you…

020that a bit of “hookey” is in order.


It’s Baaaack~

100 Happy Days #28


Winter, I mean. We woke up to all of this stuff pelting the window with all it’s frosty, haily might. And man was it loud. The wind had the decency to blow it all into nice, tidy Camelot-type piles that really did just disappear altogether after an hour. The week of warm days was lovely, but I don’t mind a bit of snap back in the air for a little longer. After all, growling old March can only rage for a few more days and then it will most likely be forced–by April, to behave.

I like soup and hot chocolate enough that when it’s nippy out, I still clap.


Ready Indeed


We are sooo ready for this spring stuff to really truly get here and stay.


The trees are flowering…


and snowing petals everywhere.


The periwinkle is blooming all over the place…


and the crazy old blueberry bush has kicked back in.


So much of the yard is cooperating  just as it should…


and the back grass is finally, FINALLY green.


Yesterday the Bald Kid tilled up the garden patch and dug in all the old weed control newspapers that were still hanging around from last year.


And I’m learning how to use my dad’s very cool composter to make our hard old Utah clay just a bit more wonderful.


Pretty proud of our compose in progress–oh, do be proud of me.


But the best part is that my little patch, the one that’s kinda mine, well, it’s getting an overhaul this week.


We’re pulling out all the weeds and any other odd things we find, thinning the strawberries and trimming back the roses and planting a few perennial flowers here and there just because we want to.


We’re pulling out the old broken wood border and replacing it with something…better (imagine me giggling my head off!).


Oh, we’re ready all right to go out there and get to work making it all beautiful and orderly and crisp and tidy and flowery…


