One Rainy Day

After days of rain…

the sun peeked out between all those clouds–for just a little minute. So Lily, Beckham and I rushed over to the school yard at the end of the block. We had the place completely to ourselves…

which meant that I could sit in the car with the doors open and just let them run and play. Yes, yes…I was being Lazy-Bones-Jones but they were happy–I was happy–so all was right with the world.

Then Beck rushed back to tell me something that he totally forgot by the time he got to the sidewalk…

and spied a row of teeny tiny ants–very, very interesting when you’re just 3 years old.

Very…very.  And while he was contemplating the little critters…

Lily ran back to the car with some treasures of her own…

just in the nick of time!


PS–the bald kid tells me–now that he’s left the valley–the rain should clear up soon. He swears it was only here because he and I  love it so much. I guess we’ll see.



Flying Away

Please forgive my delay in posting…

I’ve been a bit distracted.

This is the day my friends. My boy–my itty-bitty boy…ok, not so itty-bitty, but still–is flying far, far away. He leaves today. He’s on a plane this very minute, in fact. First he’ll land in Atlanta, Georgia, then take a zillion hour flight to Moscow, then a six hour flight to Novosibirsk (Siberia). Once he’s there, he’ll receive his assignment and depending on where that assignment is he could have up to a 30 hour train ride to his new area. I know, I know…yikes.

It’s a big day for us–at home–because he got to call me from the airport, but much bigger for him because…well…because he’s the one who gets to do it all.

He sounded good and terrifically excited to get on to the next phase of this big adventure.

I was just happy to hear his voice.

Be well and safe and brave my sweet boy–and after all the jet lag…

email your mama.


Elder Bald Kid

My sweet boy sent us an Easter card and a small stack of pictures. The card was nice, but I needed those pictures. Already, I can see how this fellow is learning and growing…

and finding friends from school…


and finding pals from work…

and finding out who he really wants to be.

This boy of mine will be leaving soon from the Missionary Training Center to the other side of the world. In fact, he said, that the next letter we get will be the last hand written one for awhile, because…

he will be in Siberia. Mail is very slow from Siberia.


Everyone says to me, “It’s really cold there.”  That or, “Isn’t that where they take criminals?”

Apparently, they send some really good guys to this far away place too.

A very special one comes to mind.

~I love you my boy.


The Pandora Problem

So, one day last summer, the Bald Kid came home from the garden shop with a few bags of potting soil, a ceramic pot and one of the strangest plants I’ve ever seen. It was so strange, in fact that it looked like it came from another planet–like maybe Pandora, from the movie Avatar.

When he first bought it and for months after that many of the leaves had odd ridges and bumps running right down the middle–which is one of the things that made it so peculiar.

We had fun, the Bald Kid and I, taking care of this silly plant and measuring how tall it was growing and wondering how tall it would eventually get, someday. When he left, he said, “Take care of Pandora for me. Maybe when I get back, it will be a huge tree.” Yeah, HE goes to live in Siberia for two years, and all I have to do is take care of his plant. Sounds easy, right?

Well, now on to the sad part of the story. This crazy plant was growing like mad and one morning I came in to find that the leafy top part had tipped over and snapped right off. I nearly cried. It was doing so well. All I could think of to do was to put the top half in a pot of root starter and leave the bottom half alone.

Here’s my question…

Does anybody have an idea of what this plant is called?

I’d like to call a nursery and get some advice on how or if I can save the silly thing. If I can’t and it dies–I’d like to replace it…but I don’t know what “it” is. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing–but I’d love some help or tips or information about it so’s not to do something really wrong and kill both pieces.

Any advice my friends?

Thanks…in advance.



In One Coat Pocket

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from our lives.

A simple, special, memorable moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and keep close to my heart.

If you are inspired to do the same–leave us a link in the comments.

Happy Saturday everyone.