From Russia…With Love

Just in case anyone wondered–the Bald kid has indeed survived his first week in Siberia–well, whole and happy. He says that they’ve already been chased off a bus by a little old lady screaming that they’re serving Satan. Wow…Satan…seriously? Sheesh.

He also told us that he sang a solo in church–oh, not intentionally, and not because he sings, really. Apparently someone asked him a question in Russian and he thought heĀ  understood and said yes. Next thing he knows, he’s got a hymnbook in his hand and he’s up front singing all by himself. Would have paid big money to see that!

This is the view from his apartment window…a bit grim by our standards, but I’m told it’s actually a very nice apartment. I’m looking for parking lots or something…but maybe that’s just silly.

Here the guys are cooking up some odd looking thing called Palmene. Pretty sure I didn’t put that in his cookbook from home! It’s a little noodle-y thing with meat in it. I’m not asking what kind of meat…we’ll just leave that alone for now.

He says the yogurt and dairy are “epic” but that they are only allowed to drink water that they buy–so he’s thirsty a lot. Wonder how he made the herb tea…hmmm….

Be safe and well my sweet boy on the other side of the world. I suppose it’s best if you have no earthly idea just how badly this mama misses you.

More than you’ll ever know.


Flying Away

Please forgive my delay in posting…

I’ve been a bit distracted.

This is the day my friends. My boy–my itty-bitty boy…ok, not so itty-bitty, but still–is flying far, far away. He leaves today. He’s on a plane this very minute, in fact. First he’ll land in Atlanta, Georgia, then take a zillion hour flight to Moscow, then a six hour flight to Novosibirsk (Siberia). Once he’s there, he’ll receive his assignment and depending on where that assignment is he could have up to a 30 hour train ride to his new area. I know, I know…yikes.

It’s a big day for us–at home–because he got to call me from the airport, but much bigger for him because…well…because he’s the one who gets to do it all.

He sounded good and terrifically excited to get on to the next phase of this big adventure.

I was just happy to hear his voice.

Be well and safe and brave my sweet boy–and after all the jet lag…

email your mama.


Elder Bald Kid

My sweet boy sent us an Easter card and a small stack of pictures. The card was nice, but I needed those pictures. Already, I can see how this fellow is learning and growing…

and finding friends from school…


and finding pals from work…

and finding out who he really wants to be.

This boy of mine will be leaving soon from the Missionary Training Center to the other side of the world. In fact, he said, that the next letter we get will be the last hand written one for awhile, because…

he will be in Siberia. Mail is very slow from Siberia.


Everyone says to me, “It’s really cold there.”Ā  That or, “Isn’t that where they take criminals?”

Apparently, they send some really good guys to this far away place too.

A very special one comes to mind.

~I love you my boy.


In One Coat Pocket

A single photo ā€“ no words ā€“ capturing a moment from our lives.

A simple, special, memorable moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and keep close to my heart.

If you are inspired to do the sameā€“leave us a link in the comments.

Happy Saturday everyone.