Mother’s Day Getaway~ 4

Day 2

The perfect Mother’s Day Getaway weekend began…

with lots of worker bees in the kitchen making a lovely breakfast.

A little lady-bug even showed up to help…

and of course, eat.





What a blessing…

to just be together…

to relax…

and play…

and wait–

for the best part of allllll!!

Our SKYPE call with my Siberia boy. To see that sweet boy and to hear that incredible laugh again…

And to have Daney there as well was a huge plus. Ahhh…it was all soooo good for this mama heart.

In fact, I just may survive until the next call…at Christmas.



Cursed Counter

If you’ve seen the counter on the right side of my blog, you may have noticed that my cute little boy in Siberia will be home in just over 300 days. This sweet little timer makes me happy every time I look at it–especially since it has finally slipped below the year mark.

So, you can imagine my…ummm…dismay when I opened up my laptop the other day and saw…

this. Dismay is too calm of a word–more like heart attack!

Now, I’ll admit, every once in a while a missionary has been known to ask for an extension so that he can stay in his country a bit longer. But…what the…a TWELVE YEAR extension?!!

I think not.

Don’t even try it buster.

I know how to swim.

364 Days~ Left

Today–we are celebrating the beginning of the official count DOWN for my sweet boy in Siberia. Yes, yes–hard to believe for some people–not his mother–but this cute fellow left us exactly one year ago yesterday.

He is working hard and loving every second of his experience, but ooooh–we miss him so much! So, in celebration–we nibbled on bananas–one of his favorite fruits and looked at his pictures and told stories about him. A lovely way to spend and evening, I must say.

I’ve put a count down on the left side of the blog so that I can keep an eye on the days and time and even the temperature in his country. Last week it was a whopping -47 degrees. Yes, I said 47 below zero. That should make us all grateful for what ever winter weather we have–don’t you think? Me…I’m just thrilled out of my mind happy to finally be on the down side of this adventure…

because…I miss this handsome face, and because

crybabies make dreadful missionary moms.

There. I said it.



From the Frozen North

We might not be getting much in the way of snow–but I can tell you where it’s all going…that’s for sure.

It’s landing right smack dab on my cute boy in Siberia!

He’s been given a new assignment though. Last week he was called as an Assistant to the Mission President and he sounds pretty happy about it. He’ll travel and visit and help the other missionaries with their work or with the language–or whatever they need. They couldn’t have picked a better fellow for the job.

Besides his sweet grin–the best part of this photo is that familiar blue cube on the side of the desk. Can you see it? Seems that all the way on the other side of the world, he still has his beloved Rubix with him. I can just hear him telling the other guys to, “…mess it up for me, would ya?” so he can solve it–over and over again. The smarty pants.

Comforting to my mama-heart to know that even though he’s learning and growing and becoming who he needs to be–so far away…

all in all, he’s still my boy.

And that’s so, so nice.
