Ah, yes. The “witch is in,” indeed. Hee, hee.
Last week, we took the kids up to Gardner Village–all dressed in Halloween garb–for the annual Witch’s Breakfast. Here we have Miss Lily the mermaid…
and Sir Beckham the king’s knight.
The place was decorated with pumpkins and ghouls…
and more pumpkins.
We walked around for awhile to take it all in until we were greeted by–
this candy corn witch. I’m sure that wasn’t her name…
but it easily could have been.
I loved her highly edible hat too.
We stepped into the dining room…
and went through the breakfast buffet line for our fabulously scrumptious food. YUM!!
We enjoyed the food and the entertainment–
singing and dancing witches who came right to our table.
and signed autographs.
And then again, there was the food.
and the witches…
and Batman…
who, of course makes everything perfect.