The Witches Breakfast

Ah, yes. The “witch is in,” indeed. Hee, hee.

Last week, we took the kids up to Gardner Village–all dressed in Halloween garb–for the annual Witch’s Breakfast. Here we have Miss Lily the mermaid…

and Sir Beckham the king’s knight.

The place was decorated with pumpkins and ghouls…


and more pumpkins.

We walked around for awhile to take it all in until we were greeted by–

this candy corn witch. I’m sure that wasn’t her name…


but it easily could have been.

I loved her highly edible hat too.

We stepped into the dining room…

and went through the breakfast buffet line for our fabulously scrumptious food. YUM!!

We enjoyed the food and the entertainment–

singing and dancing witches who came right to our table.

and signed autographs.


And then again, there was the food.

and the witches…


and Batman…

who, of course makes everything perfect.

Things I’m Loving…

right this minute…

Pumpkins! They’re everywhere and I adore them. Normally, we have a bunch in our garden, and then on our porch, but our garden this year…now there’s a sad story. So I deeply appreciate all the folks who are stepping up and decorating the town with those lovely, autumn pumpkins. I’m sure they’re doing it just for me.  Heh, heh.

Seeing that sweet little friends can easily turn into family. I can’t wait to see all these pretty kids in 10 years!

Collecting fun stuff for our next big movie party that I’m not allowed to advertise.

Email me if you’d like the details.  :}

Pretty little knotted bracelets for the same event. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

Watching handsome old Tom Brady play a great game of football, even if they…



Finding another picture of my “dream house” and wondering if it only exists on a Thomas Kincade calendar page.

A little dude with some new toothies to go with that fabulous naturally pokey hair.

Reorganizing my cotton yarn stash so that every time I walk past, it makes me smile.  :}

A new pile of Autumn books to read to the kiddos, from Scholastic Book orders. Those papers are soooo dangerous in my hands. Seriously, how can anyone resist all these cool books?

Finding the perfect place for a pile of acorns that we found at the park.

Oh, I just LOVE this time of year.

Don’t you?

Halloween Scrap Banner

I looked around this morning and found a few spots that needed a little last minute Halloween sprucing up. It’s not too late!

Oh, the other rooms were ready for the day but that one wall in my room was just a bit too…hmmmm…boring. Yes, that’s the word.

Not acceptable!!

There were just enough scraps from Lily and Beckham’s Halloween bags to toss together a pretty little banner and believe me—it was incredibly simple.

All you do is:

Cut Halloween scrap fabric into strips about 1 inch by 7 to 9 inches. The length wasn’t perfect science–just approximate measurements were fine.

Loop each strip around a piece of cord, rope or in my case–clothes line. I used about 4 feet of it.

Carefully pull the two ends of the fabric behind the rope and through the loop…

then gently tighten it like a tiny little neck tie. Ohhhh…sooo….cute!

Keep adding the knotted strips until you have the length of banner you need.


Previously boring wall–cured!

:} Oh, and the sweet “Happy Halloween” banner with the spooky skulls? Why, it’s from my clever little daughter’s blog–Prairie Grass Patterns.

How’s that? Two cute things for the price of one! Oh, wait…they’re both free. Bonus.

Happy Halloween my friends!

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A Patch of Pumpkins

We thought about making the trip to a real, live pumpkin patch this year…

but Lily and Beckham went with their Pre-school class last week.

So I had to wonder if they’d think our funny, little- bitty patch was…you know…lame.

After all, what could possibly be exciting about 4 or 5 pumpkins growing in the backyard after seeing one of the real true Linus type pumpkin patches?

As it turns out, there just seems to be something magical and lovely about stomping around in a nearly forgotten, spent garden…

to find just the right pumpkin. The one that feels like it has always been yours.

The one that feels like it already has your name carved on it…somehow.

Kinda made our patch feel very, very real…after all.