Twilight Friends

As you may already know there’s a big Eclipse bash brewing over here…

We are admittedly the party wack-jobs of the universe and this time, while we have the entire theater–it has not curbed our behavior in the least. In fact–we’re getting worse by the second. We’ve even contacted some of our favorite Etsy shops who are graciously offering prizes for the pre-movie bash–to be held at Pirate Island Pizza just before the show!

Let me show you a couple of the amazing things that we’ve received so far…

1~ We’ve received key rings and bag clips and magnets…from a pretty little shop called Vikster’s Crafts

2~ Bella’s Fingerless Gloves from Stitch N Snitch. Simply beautiful!

3~ Some adorable plaques from “Smitten & Bitten”

4~ A gorgeous bracelet from “Empty Heart Creations

5~ These fabulous gemstone earrings from Twilighter VA

6~ These adorable “Forks” earrings…get it? Forks? ha! They are from Twilight Tammy‘s pretty little shop.

Please, please–take a minute and click the links to these kind and generous Etsy shops. You’ll be amazed at what you can find.

And me? Well…

I’m gonna go check the mail!


Click HERE to enter our Cookbook Bonanza Giveaway!

Cookbook Bonanza & Giveaway!

Did I just use the word, “Bonanza?” Was that me? Yikes.

Come here for a minute…I want to show you something.

I know I’m taking a huge risk in letting you witness my personal addiction–but they say that the first step to healing—is to admit that you have a problem in the first place.

Ok, ok…so I admit it.

Not going to fix it, but I admit it. ha!

My “problem” comes in the form of…

cookbooks. I can’t seem to ever get enough of them.

Consequently, we have this seven foot tall shelf full of my darlings. Oh, and there are some stacked on top too.

And these ones wouldn’t fit on the shelf at all…anywhere.

Some times I even buy the same cookbook twice–accidentally–just because the cover is different. It’s hard to tell sometimes. And then sometimes I buy the same one when the cover isn’t different–because I liked it twice…I guess. It could happen to you…maybe.

Dear, dear. Whatever shall I do?

I know~

We’ll have a giveaway!  Yes, yes–that’s it. An easy one this time.

Here it is…

Leave a comment below telling us a recipe you would like to see us make–anything at all–and you’ll be entered to win. If your name is drawn, you’ll win not one, but TWO of my very own cookbooks, “Cupcakes, Muffins and More,” and “Country Soups.” Really, really good stuff…besides…I have…two.

How’s that for scaling back? See? I do try to be rational.

I’ll announce the winner on Friday morning May 21 at 10:00 am.

Now run along my friends–and comment.

I’d love your input~

especially if it feeds my addiction.

And it will.


Mother’s Day Giveaway WINNER!!

Are you ready?!

And the winner is….


who wrote:

“It is sad to say, but I also have not seen these. I will have to get them from the library, unless I am lucky enough to win!”
Congratulations my dear–apparently, you are lucky enough to win.
Wahoo for you!

Thanks everyone for entering and stick around–there’s more to come~


Mother’s Day Giveaway!!

Since I have no idea exactly what movie is your very favorite movie in the whole world–how could I–that would take cosmic powers–right? So since I only know the type of shows that I love, these, my friends will be our next illustrious giveaway…

a couple of my most beloved movies. Just think–what a great gift for your mom…or his mom…or your childrens’ mom…

Whatever works.

Leave a comment and do it quick and I’ll announce the winner 10am Wednesday May 5th 2010.

Then I’ll do my best to blast them off to the winner in time for Mom’s big day.

Look into my eyes…

You. must. do. this.



“That One Chick” Prize Package

Are you ready my dah-lings?

At last—-here’s the “That One Chick” prize package. It’s loaded with some of my favorite things–in fact, a few of these were just a tad hard to part with….ummm…..Cheetos… I’m good.

So–this lovely prize package includes:

  • Cheetos
  • Lemonheads
  • Orange Cream Saver
  • Moon Pies
  • Freeze-dried Ice Cream
  • “Clarissa’s Crossing” by some random chick
  • “Clarissa’s Heart” by some random chick
  • Hello Kitty Marshmallow Sucker
  • Yankee Candle “Cinnamon Apple”
  • “Twilight” audio book by Stephanie Meyer

YOU should be cheering and clapping excitedly right about now.

I’m off now to choose our illustrious winner….

Drum roll please……

And the winner is comment # 166— which said:

“What a cool story and an awesome adventure! So do you have any stories where you have a good experience with an exotic animal? Thanks for a good laugh that almost had my drink coming out my nose!”

made by:

Kristen Colson!!!

Congratulations on winning the “That One Chick” MOTHER LODE!!

Thank you to everyone else for your wonderful comments.

Stick with us–our next giveaway is coming up very, VERY soon!