T-Shirt “Yarn” Tutorial

I know what you’re thinking–you’re thinking, “t-shirt what?” You heard me. I said, T-shirt yarn. Get a load of this…

Oh, yeah…it’s cotton “yarn” made from a spiral cut T-shirt. I first saw this done over at Polka Dot Pineapple and was intrigued because, well…

does everyone on earth have a huge pile of orphan T-shirts that nobody wears, but they can’t seem to part with…

or is it just me?

So let’s get real green and do something useful with some of them…shall we?

Start with a regular t-shirt that has lived a good life…no guilt now. It’s going on to a better place…really.

Cut off the bottom hem.

Now cut the top off just under the sleeves…

so you have a tube of fabric.

Fold it nearly in half, leaving the under side sticking out about an inch.

Now cut from right to left all the way up to and just past the top fabric, but leave the one inch margin of the lower fabric uncut. Repeat about 1 inch apart. Now unfold the fabric…

it should look like this.

The easiest way for you to hold the fabric and cut it into one continuous strip is to slide your arm through the two layers of fabric 1 inch uncut margin running along the top of your arm. I drew dotted lines  showing where you’ll cut your fabric–but you don’t need to draw the lines. You’ll be amazed at how fast you can figure this out and it’s really fun too, and for some reason deeply satisfying.

If you need more instructions click HERE for a sweet little diagram and bag pattern.

When you’re finished cutting, you’ll have one long, long, strip of fabric. Are you ready to make it more “yarn” like? Here goes!

Going down the entire length of your fabric, take a hold of it by one end and gently stretch it. It will magically curl up and behave it’s self just like it should. Very obedient stuff, I tell you.

Next, roll it into a ball and think of the stuff you can knit or crochet or weave with it. I’ve seen trivets, handbags and rugs…

but that color is too…too…orange not to be used properly.

Fear not. I’ll show you as soon as it’s finished. In the meantime–

go dig out the old shirts. The stack’s about to shrink.

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And The Winner Is…

(sorry for the delay…still scrubbing birthday cake off my face having technical difficulties…hee hee)

Amy L !!

Congratulations my dear!

Amy L. said:

“I love the Pumpkin hat (without the scallops – for a boy of course ;)) So DANG cute!!!! Any of the little girl flapper hats are adorable also, but I would also need one “adjusted up” in size for my big girl!! Thanks for doing the giveaway — you’re AWESOME!!!”

It just so happens that I have a boy version of this little thing that still needs to be listed in the shop. So…lucky you!

Thanks for all your entries everyone. More coming up real soon. Stay tuned.


Michelle Thibodeaux from M Design Photography sent me these adorable pictures from a recent sitting at her studio. Sooo…what do you think? Huh?–huh?

Aside from the gorgeous baby and the amazing photography skills, do you notice anything…else? Hmmmm?

Need a hint?

Check out the sweet little flapper hat.

Looks pretty darn familiar to me, I’ll tell you. Heh, heh, heh…because it’s FROM MY SHOP!!

Oh…was I yelling? Sorry, I can’t help myself. It’s just so exciting.


Famous at last.

Well, at least the hat is.

So, to celebrate this new found fame–of sorts–let’s have a giveaway!

Click HERE, to see my shop.  Look around, then tell me in the comments below which hat you’d choose if you were to win one. Simple as that. The winner will receive their choice of hats from my shop.

Now scurry along…and come back.

I’ll announce the winner on Monday September 27, 2010 at 10 am sharp.

So…which will YOU choose?

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For the Baby Birds

On our little windy journey–Grammy found that a few new hats were in order. Luckily the crochet hook and cotton works very nicely on the drive with no car sickness…it’s a miracle, I tell you.

Wheat colored, ribbed with a stripe for Beckham.

Lacey pink picot point for Lily—don’t you love the pony tail holes?

And the same, Lacy Picot in cream for the little lady.

Ahh…busy fingers.

What a lovely way to feather the nest.

A Mum For Mom

Here’s a real quick and easy gift–we’re talking under an hour, start to finish–to make for the Moms in your world.

I saw it on the  Creative Jewish Mom blog. The pattern is there too, so that makes it even easier.

Just think how happy mom…or sister…or daughter…or Aunt Mabel will be when at last, at last they have a rational place to keep the safety pins.

They will thank you for making their life complete. What a gift!

Beat that.