One Tough Cat

No, no…Beany’s not dead. He looks like it…but he’s just sleeping. Would you believe that this ancient kitty actually has a dislocated hip? Yeah, kinda gross, I know. He limps along without putting too much weight on it, but oddly enough he doesn’t act like it is causing him any pain. In fact, he even runs around and goes up and down the stairs…just on three feet instead of four. The doctor can’t fix it because cat hips aren’t like human hips–they can’t just be popped back in. So he has to just go slow and let the ligaments heal. Oh, and somebody asked me the other day–just how old this guy is anyway.

I’ll put it like this~ we have a picture of the Bald Kid—with a baby bottle in his mouth–holding Beany’s sister Squeeker as a kitten.

The Bald Kid turns 21…


That would make old Beany-boy 96 in cat years.

Yeah, I think we’ll just let him sleep…right there…on the floor.

You’ve gotta be nice to old folks.


So I step into the bathroom a couple of days ago and happened to glance over at the tub. And what do I see?

What the heck?!

How’d that get in here?! THERE’S A MOUSE IN THE BATHTUB!!

Now, I’m not a goofy, irrational screech-er about mice or anything, but this itty bitty fellow did startle me. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen one in the house. I mean, for Pete’s sake–that’s what we have cats for!

Good grief.

They are suppose to guard us against this sort of thing. Honestly.

And then to think that mousey here just fell out of the ceiling or something and landed in the tub. That adds a new dimension to my peaceful, calming shower routine. Imagine me at 7 am—with soap in my eyes, shampoo in my hair and…



a teeny, tiny baby mouse on my head!! AAAAAAaaaaaahhh!!!!

I sense incredible potential for becoming a screamer on the horizon. I can see it very clearly in fact.

You, my friend, are fired. Clean out your desk.

I’m moving to Sparta.

Teatime Etiquette

When inviting a guest over for “tea,” of course you want everything to be perfect. Pour carefully and try not to spill.

Always serve your guest first so that they know they are getting your full attention.

Don’t be in a hurry now–take your time. Sip slowly and savor the moment.

A little light conversation–perhaps about the weather–will put your guest at ease.

Be sure to offer seconds…or even thirds…if your guest would like a bit more.

Pour yourself another along side them so they feel more comfortable.

If you finish before they do, just be polite and patient, smile…

and go find some cake.

Find the Cat

An old high school friend sent me this and it’s too fun not to share.

There is a perfectly camouflaged tabby cat in this picture–can you find it?

If  it’s  too hard–click on the picture to make it bigger. Maybe that will help.

I’d love to know how many people actually find the little guy–please let me know!

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