Beany Boy Update

For those who’ve asked how Mr. Beany is doing, I have to say, pretty great….for a hundred year old kitty with a healing hip.

He still walks with a slight limp–but it’s much better than it was. The muscles in his hip are still “sprung” so-to-speak, but he doesn’t seem to have any pain with it.

And see how that same leg is just poking out to one side? Yeah, they say he’ll probably do that the rest of his life because the leg is essentially longer now.  But I pet him and love him and feed him soft food and now and then, I even get away with massaging his hip. I think he lets me because he doesn’t want me to worry about him.

In fact, if he spoke English, which I swear sometimes he does–I think he’d say,

“It’s all good.

Thanks for asking.

Now feed me.”

4 Replies to “Beany Boy Update”

  1. I think he’s one darn lucky cat to have you! I’ve heard it said “the way we treat animals says volumes about us as human,” which means you are one of the best humans around.

  2. Haha!~ A Cat that sounds like Rhen. Okay.. so I’m not sure if he exactly says “feed me” but the “I’m all good I can see. Hehe

  3. I personally think he has more of a British accent! 😉 Ha ha ha! He comes across like a snotty butler type! 😉 Ha ha ha!

    I’m glad he’s feeling better. It’s always sad to see animals in pain… because you know they don’t understand it the way we do.

    I’m glad he’s been around for you, for so long. 🙂 What a good friend he is to you!

  4. Hi from Denmark. what a nice blog you have 🙂 Right now i have a dog with a broken hip so it was great to read about you cat, that gives me hope for my AnnaBelle. I see you like to chrochet too, so do I 🙂 You are welcome to go and visit me at
    I will drop by here another day.

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