

“The degree of our love for the Lord and for our fellowmen can be measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for them. Sacrifice is a demonstration of pure love.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard


What Do You Know…

for sure?

That question has become a favorite tagline in the Oprah Magazine–where each month she does a write up called–What I Know For Sure. Reading her top ten affirmations really got my head racing to come to at least one of my own. Of course, I agree for the most part, with what Miss Winfrey has to say, but my own, most heartfelt belief is blatantly missing from her list.  It is this:

“Motherhood is the most important work you will ever do in this lifetime and it has potential to be the most rewarding accomplishment you’ll ever achieve.”

I am impressed with how motivating her words are to me. See what you think~

Oprah’s “What I know for sure” List

1.  What you put out comes back all the time, no matter what.

2.  You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.

3.  Whatever someone did to you in the past has no power over the present. Only you give it power.

4.  When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

5.  Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.

6.  What you believe has more power than what you dream, wish, or hope for. You become what you believe.

7.  If the only prayer you ever say is “thank you,” that will be enough.

8.  The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.

9.  Failure is a signpost to turn you in another direction.

10. If you make a choice that goes against what everyone else thinks, the world will not fall apart.

What do YOU know for sure?

Things That Taste Like Dirt

…for lack of a better, kinder, considerably less accurate title.

Had big plans for the post today–yesiree. But as it would happen, there was some baaad juju going on in this kitchen today, and the results were pretty sick…possibly even…lethal.

I blame it on that lunar eclipse thing a few weeks back.

See, my idea was to simply whip up a batch of the most scrumptious whole wheat tortillas in the universe and show you all about it and have the entire United States applaud and accept an award from the Pillsbury Bake Off people and get a call from the Culinary School in France, and be crowned queen of earth by the end of the week. Easy.

Sadly, it was not to be. Dang cosmos.

I first tasted fresh pressed and baked whole wheat tortillas one glorious evening when my good friend Sherel was teaching a class on them. I wasn’t actually in the class, just passing by—but the incredible, delectable aroma grabbed me by the collar and yanked me right into the kitchen, like a starving puppy…and yes, I begged her for one. Quite an embarrassing episode, I’ll admit, but I was hooked and decided then and there to make them myself and achieve the aforementioned goals…along with world peace.

Too bad I forgot to take a copy of the recipe. Duh. But seriously, how hard could it be? I mean they’re tortillas for Pete’s sake. But what I discovered, was that, without the right recipe, ok, ok, and a little skill–bad things can happen…really bad things…

like this…

and this…


all of which would be just fine, if they tasted anything like Sheryl’s Whole Wheat Tortillas…worth it, even. But nooOOoo…they did not. In fact, they reminded me of a day a few years back, where dirt was also on the menu. Blaugh.

But be brave my dear friends–I’ll be back with the real Whole Wheat Tortillas any minute now…

after I call Sherel…

and clear out the juju in the cosmos.

Bring It…

Ok, so it’s November 5th and you would think that nippy weather and snow would be almost expected by now—even welcomed by some of us right? Well, of course, right.

But here’s the snafu–this picture was taken 3 weeks ago on a random snowy day, 1 day–wedged right in between weeks of 70 degree days, then, and ever since. In fact, it’s getting kinda creepy how warm it is right now. We’re in the Rocky Mountain for Pete’s sake! It’s November and I’m still wearing sandals and haven’t even put on my coat yet…not once.

Where’s the “Jack Frost nipping at your nose” thing that should be going on?!

How can we possibly get into the holiday spirit when it’s sunny and warm out there? Mother Nature–what are you thinking? You are confusing us all. Sheesh.

I speak for the snow lover’s of the world when I say, “We’re being robbed, and something MUST be done!”

Therefore, we will be out back all day, chanting for real, true, November weather to replace this ridiculous May stuff. Yes, I said chanting.

You are welcome to join us.

Bring your own cymbals.

Oh, and don’t tell my mom…chanting gives her the heebee jeebies.