Sometimes we have “official business” to take care of in Logan–the sweet little town 2 hours north of our place.

And sometimes the only official business is finding the most beautiful raspberries in the State–and buying them two flats at a time.

This time was a mix–April had some fun “official” places to go and I’m always up for the drive…and the raspberries.

We always visit the “cookie store” when we’re in town because it borderlines criminal behavior…not to. We got off easy this time though because it wasn’t a cookie day. Today was Parmesan Goldfish day so we each grabbed a bag–for the kids and got out of there with our lives. Sometime I’m going to figure out when Milano day is…THEN there’ll be trouble.

We took turns saying, “Can we just live here?” about twenty times in the first couple of hours. It would be perfect–just enough town, just enough country.

We made a new discovery this time around…a truly wicked discovery. Let’s just say that the next stop was for dry ice–lots of dry ice. :}

Gossner’s Cheese store grabbed us next–and I think we behaved very, very well for a couple of cookie, Creamie, cheese freaks.
Someone should be clapping for us.

Speaking of well behaved–the little dudes were pretty darn good sports as we drove merrily along in one of our favorite, beautiful places.

Yeah…pretty sure I love this town.