All That Is Good~

In my world right this minute.

A girly-girl in sweet little Batman pajamas. Wouldn’t Uncle Bald Kid be proud?

The first newlyweds are finally back from Texas, and they say Utah’s 103 degrees isn’t very hot.  Feels hot to me.

Low imagination level cupcake decorating that surprisingly tasted very, very good.

A bunch of cute kids that are brave enough…

to dance their hearts out in a very crowded park.

Discovering that Incredible Fruit Pizza can indeed be made with whole wheat cookie crust. More on that later. It was wonderful and now considered a health food. HAA!

A little dude that actually fell asleep on the floor…unprompted. Woohooo!

Isn’t summer the best? Tell me–

what’s good in your world today?  :}

9 Replies to “All That Is Good~”

  1. Today is a beautifull day, Daniel has finnally ended his chicken pox quarentene. Our nine cats are spreading like melted butter all over the house and the trees in the garden give amazing nap spots for the family πŸ™‚

  2. “Best Blogger”, DANG GIRL! Good job. That’s great! (I always knew I liked yours best!) Congratuations!

  3. No, no, no, no, no – the very best of the goodest (is that a word) is that you WON the A List for best Blogger!!!!!!!!!!! Just go an email with the winners and YOU ARE NUMBER 1! So happy for you and this little bit of recognition because now the rest of Utah knows what I’ve known for a very long time. Way to go my friend – keep on bloggin!

  4. Oh, pooor Daniel! Sorry to hear that he had chicken pox! But glad that he’s better now. And how amazing to have nine pretty kitties–I used to dream about that when I was a kid. Those are all very good things. :}

  5. Thanks–thanks…it was quite a surprise. Not really sure what to do now. Hahaha. Thanks for being my sweet friend. :}

  6. You SO earned that win! You work so hard on this blog and it’s so genuine! πŸ™‚ I love you and I love the great things you capture and save for us ALL through your blog. Thank you Mom. You’re creating an amazing treasure for your family and for anyone else lucky enough to stop by and stick around for a while!

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