Sweet Dreams Bolster Pillow

Remember the pretty little crocheted Mandala that I made a few weeks ago?

And this pink and purple thingy from a while back?

Well, you’ll be pleased to know that the two have gotten together and made a lovely bed-sized bolster pillow. Oh, my goodness it was fun to make and very satisfying to put together–but neither was as much fun as it was to sleep with the darn thing. Trust me, it makes the softest, most huggable body pillow you’ve ever seen…er…felt. 

And now…

I feel a nap coming on…

with a really heavenly pillow.

heh, heh, heh.



PS~ Thanks EVERYONE for making my birthday absolutely incredible! What a wonderful, priceless thing are friends. I adore you, you know. Thanks again.  

13 Replies to “Sweet Dreams Bolster Pillow”

  1. That is SO cute, Aunt Launi!!! I only know how to crochet a little – but seeing all the things you do makes me want to learn more! 🙂

  2. It turned out great! Perfect for my pink and purple obsessed friend! 😉 I would adore the pattern. I think that would be perfect for Mal, and green/blue one for Sadie, and a pink/black one for Piper.

  3. Beautiful pillow..now. …go take a nap and..HAVE A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And..didja know I cna sign it backwards?? Here goes…


  4. I need to write up this pattern…but I haven’t done it yet. 😳 The Mandala (circle pattern on the ends) is linked up at the top. Click on that for those directions and I’ll come up with the rest…soon.

  5. This is so stinking cute!! I’ve been looking for a bolster pillow pattern for my bedroom!! Can you send me the pattern?

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