Words Escape Me

:}                                                                                                                                                                            590

10 Replies to “Words Escape Me”

  1. Oh man! This looks like lots of fun! I know it’s too late, but maybe for the next twilight party, if you need help, I’d love to come help out. 🙂 Can’t wait!! All your pictures make me so excited! 🙂

  2. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I think your pictures are worth a thousand tasks! But it looks like it’s going to be so much fun!!! I hope your not too tired to enjoy it all!

  3. I hope your visiting teachers are bringing in meals and the young women have been called upon to clean house and watch the little ones – this looks like one of those times when extra troops are needed! I have no doubt it will be the party of the century. You guys are amazing, sure hope everyone that attends appreciates all you’ve done. Wish I was close enough to run over and join in this part of the party.

  4. I LOVE that we’re getting pictures of all of this, because it really is SUCH an adventure! It’s fun to put everything together and I love the reward of having so much fun with friends and family and then get to see an awesome movie besides! *:D*

  5. I have the cutest picture of you–almost asleep in the back of the room. So sorry there weren’t enough chairs…

  6. You make so much of this happen that couldn’t possibly otherwise. You have a gift for making things lovely. :}

  7. Now….we could use those meals! haha… We pretty much ate out for a month because to cook anything just made a mess that we didn’t have time to clean up. It was wonderful fun though and everyone seemed happy with it all. That makes it so worth it. Missed you though.

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