Treasure Hunting

In order to have everything ready for the Spring Quilt Market which begins in a couple of days–April and I thought it might be a good idea to go…

on an antique hunt.

What fun it was to wander around finding treasures at every turn. This door knob–for instance, is the very kind that were on all the inside doors of our house in L.A. where I grew up.

Alarm clocks–the kind that you have wind…

old, non-identifiable building tools…

rolling pins…

hand crocheted doilies…

glass jewelry keepers…

and my personal favorite–this hanging birdcage.

I can’t help wondering about all these pretty things and the adventures they’ve known…

the places they’ve been…

and the lives they’ve touched.

Who were their owners and how did they feel about their world…

and what do you suppose they would think of ours?


3 Replies to “Treasure Hunting”

  1. In many of their own words they don’t mince bones about how hard life was, but how content and happy they were. Seems today most of society does everything the can to take the easy way out and are searching for a way to be happy. Hum . . . too bad we can’t learn from the past. I think they would be pretty disgusted with current attitudes and trends and even more grateful for the simple world they lived in.

  2. When I was little and in my lifetime we had only moved once (we later move 5 more times) we had my mom’s parents old things. They were born in 1904 and married in the 1920’s. I loved seeing the old farm tools they used and to hear about how my grandma ironed and made clothes. Such stories. I think our belongings won’t have such an amazing tale to tell.

  3. It’s so fun to look through old items and imagine what they’ve been through. Like Kathy said, I’m sure ours stuff doesn’t have much to say. Everything is so disposable it makes me wonder how much will even be around to tell stories to anyone.

    I’m glad you had fun, I know you LOVE antique shops. I’m excited for April and Quilt Market. I’m sure she’s going to do great!

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