Time for Each Other

“We live in a world that is filled with options. If we are not careful, we will find every minute jammed with social events, classes, exercise time, book clubs, scrapbooking, Church callings, music, sports, the Internet, and our favorite TV shows. One mother told me of a time that her children had 29 scheduled commitments every week: music lessons, scouts, dance, Little League, day camps, soccer, art, and so forth. She felt like a taxi driver. Finally, she called a family meeting and announced, ‘Something has to go; we have no time to ourselves and no time for each other.’ Families need unstructured time when relationships can deepen and real parenting can take place. Take time to listen, to laugh, and to play together.”

M. Russell Ballard

3 Replies to “Time for Each Other”

  1. How fun! I don’t think I’ve seen that top picture before. That works perfectly with the quote. Very nice.

  2. I feel vEEEry lucky to have sooo many family members around me! 🙂 I’m always up for just hanging out! 😉

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