Now I know that the topic of preparedness is not exactly the most interesting and certainly not the most fun topic on earth–but…I feel compelled.
Did you know that this week–our lovely state of Utah has experienced 2 earthquakes–right here in Utah county? One on Sunday night and the next on Monday night. Yeah. Who knew?
In an article on the site, it says:
“You may need to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity to last for at least three days. Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone immediately. You could get help in hours, or it might take days. In addition, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, and telephones may be cut off for days, or even a week or longer.”
With this in mind—the Preparedness tab is the newest addition to our site and feels very important right now. I have big plans for this place–not because I think I know something–but more because there are some great links that we can tap into and share with each other. The info is all around us–we just need to gather and then act. I’ll add more each week or so.
In the meantime, checkout:
to see what you can do to be more “emergency prepared.”
You know me I LOVE preparedness stuff! I will help you in any way that I can. One of my goals this year is finish up my 72 hr. kits and get my 3 month supply up to bar. Don’t forget that besides food and water we also need cash in our kits because most likely we won’t be able to use our cards!
Happy Birthday to the sweet kids too. I swear it was only like 2 months ago we came over for a birthday party at Aprils.
“Chance favors the prepared mind”
– Louis Pasteur
Being more prepared will only help you. Great post, hope to see more in the future.
Who said preparedness isn’t interesting or fun?? Neil and I really enjoy it actually!! Well, probably more me, but I tend to get overly excited about little things all the time. I have some wonderful, SIMPLE ideas I could pass on if you’d like.
Example: If you take an old mini paint can (I think they’re 1 pint or something) and wash it out really well. Put a roll of toilet paper in it, and pour a bottle of rubbing alcohol in it – enough to saturate the toilet paper and leave a little on the bottom of the can. In an emergency, the lid is taken off and the toilet paper lit on fire. It provides light, heat (only to the top of the can – you can hold the can in your bare hand and it doesn’t get hot) AND the best part of all, the toilet paper can be re-used. The only thing burning is the rubbing alcohol, so when that gets low, just douse the toilet paper some more, and there you have it. Another GREAT thing is rubbing alcohol is both cheap AND it’s a safe fuel storage – as opposed to gasoline, lighter fluid, propane, etc.
Anyway, sorry to talk your ear off – but I really do love preparedness stuff!! It’s amazing some of the things you can create/do! I can’t wait to see what you come up with to share with all of us in the new tab!! 🙂
Thanks! I would love any input that you’d like to send. If you ever want to write a post for the tab–email it to me and we’ll do it. I’d like to set it up so that there are links easily available on the side–but I’ll have to talk to my design girl–to see if it will work.
I know–how did we get here so fast?
I love that quote. It makes me feel very hopeful, like we have so much more to do with how things turn out than people want to believe.
True, true.
I’d love to post that in the tab if it’s ok. It’s fabulous! Thanks so much Jodi. If you’d ever like to write a post for the tab–just let me know. It would be great to have you and Kathy be kind of our resident experts. I just have to figure out how to set up the page so that it works and is easy to use.
Thanks so much for this!
You took those amazing headbands and made them even cuter!! You never cease to amaze me. Thanks so much for that red headband. I wore it on Sunday and EVERYONE loved it. I told so many people about you making it! Thanks! You are great!
This has always been something I wanted to do better at… and know more about! I think I let it overwhelm me and so I don’t think about it much… and that’s LAME!!! I’m excited to learn more with you!