launi, that was absolutely beautiful. brought back so many memories for me. this could have been pics from our family when my parents were alive, and all of us grown kids(6 of us) came for christmas eve, w/our children…and we had a couple of children each:)….and the joy and the love and the laughter!!!….it was such a blessed time! i thank God for the joys of those wonderful christmases. enjoy them to the fullest launi!….and thank you for your wonderful posts…..shirl
What a beautiful morning and a fun day! Thanks for being such a special part of making Christmas magic happen. Love you!
You always leave the sweetest comments. They sincerely are why I do this. Thank you. :}
launi, that was absolutely beautiful. brought back so many memories for me. this could have been pics from our family when my parents were alive, and all of us grown kids(6 of us) came for christmas eve, w/our children…and we had a couple of children each:)….and the joy and the love and the laughter!!!….it was such a blessed time! i thank God for the joys of those wonderful christmases. enjoy them to the fullest launi!….and thank you for your wonderful posts…..shirl
What a beautiful morning and a fun day!
Thanks for being such a special part of making Christmas magic happen. Love you!
You always leave the sweetest comments. They sincerely are why I do this. Thank you. :}
Magic is my very favorite thing.