Stuff and Fluff…

that I love right this minute…

My new favorite soup in the universe–that isn’t homemade I mean. It’s incredible especially with a cup of black beans tossed in…and tortilla chips on the side…and cheddar cheese sprinkled on top. Ummmm….

A box of books that are ready to find a new home at the thrift store. Moving books and shelves does make a person re-access what stays and what…goes. Can’t you just hear a chorus of “The Cirrrrr-cle of Life” right now?

A very special, very secret, very big project that’s occupying my hands these days. Any guesses? Here’s a hint–it’s for our Breaking Dawn 2 Premier. Hee hee… Who’s coming with us? Hmmm?

Bright luscious crab apples just begging to be picked…

and a sweet daughter who is willing to come over and…you know…pick them.

A new Farmer’s Market to fall in love with–the Pleasant Grove Promenade. Navajo Tacos, Spare Ribs, music, veggie booths–so much fun!

Soft, willowy grass to curl your toes in.

A little spikey haired baby boy that steals our hearts at every turn.

What a lovely week it’s been!

4 Replies to “Stuff and Fluff…”

  1. That is so funny – my Especially for Mormon books, yes I had all of them too – went with the last move. Hard to part with but so nice to free up the space.

    Oh and I’m loving that in about 30 hours I will have my hands on 6 very special people that I have missed for sooooo long. Trying to focus on 100 pgs of history reading is going to be hard to do today πŸ™‚

  2. Oh–yay-yay-YAY!! Don’s coming back! We’ve missed him so much! Well, mama–read your stuff and tell yourself that they reward for your reading will be the hugging and kissing of those sweet kids in the end. I’m so happy for you. :}

  3. Love my 2 sweet kids… and won’t even be able to skip that when I’m counting blessings.

    Love my hard working husband, who gets up and out the door on auto-pilot, without ever complaining about having to head back to work.

    Love my Mom, who will drop everything for each and everyone one of her kids… to the point that she doesn’t usually get to work on her own projects. I especially love that she enjoys waffles as much as I do! πŸ˜‰

    Love the changing seasons… they keep life interesting and help us not to take seasonal adventures for granted! πŸ™‚

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