Shuffle Off To Buffalo…

Soooo…did your mama make you take piano lessons?

Or did she force you to play the violin?

Well, my friends—you must trust me when I say,

there are worse things.Ā  I mean she could have put you in a TAP class.

I suppose that kids these days would positively hate it—but back then, other than the fact that it was terrifically UNcool, it was actually—dare I say—


No kidding…

Yeah…I know. But, here’s the thing—we got to wear shiny, noisy shoes and sticky-outty dresses and be in shows…ok, mostly at rest homes, but still.

We liked it because it was something to do and it was—like I said, pretty fun.

Well, except when Mrs. Ross, the squeeky little tapping dance teacher yelled and screamed at us. That was pretty scary.

The dance number here was called “Pretty Baby” and I’m the blonde “fro-girl” on the right. My sister was too “grown-up” for this number. Naa-naa.

If, by chance you are feeling great sadness and anxiety over that fact that YOU didn’t get to take a tap class–well today’s your lucky day. Yessiree! Now, with the magic of the internet YOU can learn to tap this very minute. Don’t waste another moment–Click HERE. You know you want to.

If, however, you are way too young to know what the heck I’m even talking about,

don’t fret.

It’s likely for the best.

5 Replies to “Shuffle Off To Buffalo…”

  1. My Mom never put me into anything because my older siblings complained too much. So by the time it got down to me and Mandy she didn’t even want to bother. šŸ˜‰

  2. Oh, wellll then. Think of all the fussing around you missed! ha ha. But you are making up for it now with your kids, aren’t you? And they love it, right?


  3. I always wanted to do things like this, but was never able to. I make sure my kids get to do it even if they think they don’t like it! Someday, they will look back and have memories like this one!

  4. Didn’t ever take tap lessons, but I had some piano lessons and dance classes! I think I liked them… though practicing piano was always a bit of a drag! šŸ˜‰

  5. I loved my tap shoes. The dancing, not so much. And no, I did not make my son take tap. Or dance. In fact, I don’t I made him take or do anything he didn’t want to. I was so different from my mom.

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