If you blog at all–you ought to consider joining one of the many “Blogger Holiday Swaps” going around these days.
Lyndi and I did one clear back in October, remember? Anyway, the way it works is that you are given another blogger’s name and address and a list of basic likes and dislikes for the holidays.
Then you send them a box of holiday treats and they send you a box of holiday treats. My “blog buddy” for the Santa swap was Jerrica over at Something to Talk About. And may I say—she did a fine job!
It’s very simple. I mean, seriously…who doesn’t like getting presents in the mail at Christmas time–especially the kind you can open right now?!
So chant this to yourself…
Treats-good. Treats-good. Treats-good.
For the next blogger swap–
I’ll keep you posted.

I’m so very glad that you enjoyed your goodies.
I’m hoping to get my post up soon but most of the candy is already gone.
And the lights & tensil thing are already on my tree. 🙂
She did a great job! What a great lot of fun holiday treats 🙂
I’m so glad you had fun at the Santa Swap! Keep an eye out for our upcoming Valentine’s Day Swap 🙂
It looks like you got a wide variety of goodies! How fun!
Good! I’m glad you are enjoying your prizes too. This is so much fun!
OOOOooooh-hooo! I can hardly wait for that one! Lyndi and I were just hoping that you were going to do a Valentine’s one too. Yay! You’re great Shannon!
Looks like you got a ton of great stuff. I have to admit I got distracted by your See’s post when the reason I came over was to read this one. Ha!
This was SOOO much fun! I loved the Halloween one… and this was awesome too! It was fun being able to send to the same person that was sending you something! I can’t wait for the next one. It’s fun making new friends and getting surprises in the mail! YAY!!!
hmmmmm candy!