Miss Chomp needed more road hours in order to past her driving class…
so, what better way than to take a 2-1/2 hour road trip to a couple of favorite spots in Beaver, Utah?!!
Being the “foodie” girl that Lyndi is, she knew exactly where we needed to go!
Even out in the middle of nowhere, it’s still beautiful country.
Ahhhhh–our destination is in sight!!
Ok, well, the billboard for our destination is in sight. It’s something at least!
Yummy food–here we come!!
Luckily, there was no one in front of us because we were hungry!
Sweet Lyndi…
got cheese curds and sauce. Ooooh.
Magoo and Lyndi both got Tetris Fries…
which even fit together. It was such a challenge. haha.
I ordered a lovely little cheeseburger with extra pickles and they really humored me. Look at that pile of pickles!!
Yeah, we totally waddled out of that place full to the brim and happy as a pile of clams. Oh, but don’t you worry Crazy Cow–we’ll be back soon.