Friendly Fireside

On an evening like this, it would have easy to take a  picture of the beautiful night sky with all the stars shining—or take a close up of the gooey marshmallows roasting over the fire.

To be honest, it never occurred to me.

I was way too busy watching all these dear,


happy people doing what we always do….

…just being together.

Family really does make for the best of friends.

Memorial Monday

Sincerely, I know what Memorial Day is all about. I do. We ALWAYS take flowers to our sweet family at the cemeteries, whether or not they were Veterans and even though none of them died in a war. This year we did it on Saturday before actual Memorial Day. I forgot to take pictures. Sorry.

We did, however have a lovely barbecue so that we could just…you know…play.

We’re pretty good at that play stuff.

New to our game repertoire  was a corn hole set. It works well for a bit but then the littles wanted to wear it on their backs like a hero cape and run around the yard saving people. Slightly scary.

There was a soccer ball flying throughout the evening…

because pretty much everyone who is anyone (the kids, anyway) have played or are playing or will be playing– soccer.

So it was just a natural thing for all of them to see a ball and kick it!!

Someone brought a sticky target game…

that was also a hit. No pun intended.

Some of the kids created their own games or traded Pokemon cards.

We had hair braiding and chalk painting…

…hanging  inside the monkey bar thingy…

and lighting charcoal snakes!! I love those!

Also new to our game day was an extra large Connect Four.

Even the little kids played with it…

when the big kids were done–of course!!

There was, of course the fabulous barbecue food–but I didn’t pay too much attention to that–picture wise because….well, because…

eating takes two hands.

Heh, heh.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!!!




Bitsy Boots

In case you–like me–don’t get out much or wander around in the kiddie show section of your tv…let me introduce you to Miss Bitsy Boots of the Super Kitties fame.

Well, my sweet granddaughter “Miss C” asked me to make her a Bitsy Boots of her own. You know what I say…”ANYthing for you, my dah-ling!”

The pattern called for the fluffy chenille yarn and a big hook. The funny thing was that when I started crocheting–this thing quickly became ENORMOUS!!

I mean, look at those feet! They’re as big as my hands for Pete’s sake.

Each ear was bigger than my palm. It was seriously starting to scare me.

Then came the head. I think it’s adorable, but I happen to know that is bigger than Miss C’s head. I’m creating a monster!

A cute monster–but a monster none the less.

Luckily, Miss C didn’t seem to mind one bit.

Bitsy Boots, meet ahhhhh…meet…ahhhh…

Bitsy Boots two. Heh, heh.

Happy Birthday honey. Grammy loves you!



Pattern from CuteHappyToys on Etsy

Link- Plain and Simple

When sweet “L” asked me to make Link (From Breath of the Wild) for his birthday I said, “Absolutely.”

Truth be known, I really love watching the kids and the grandkids play some of these games.

I’m not as entertained by the ones where you’re required to shoot and kill anything that moves, mind you. I’m a more gentle soul than that. Honestly, can’t we all just get along?!

But I digress…

What I do love, are games filled with lots of heroes finding treasure and going on quests and saving the pretty girl in a tower.


I don’t particularly want to play it…but I’m a phenomenal spectator.

When he was finished, as always I kissed him on the head and boxed him up.

After all…everyone needs a hero to hold on to.

Happy Birthday sweet boy. I love you.

Pocket Parakeet

Magoo came to me the other day with two little balls of yarn–one green and one pink. He said, “Grammy, what can we make with these?”

Knowing that this fellow loves birds–parakeets in particular, I said, “It looks like just the right amount to make a little bird. He liked the idea.

I wanted to give the little guy green wings but oooooh, I ran out of green yarn and only had enough to edge them. Also, the pattern I found didn’t have a tail–whaaaat?! So I had to make one up.

It’s a tiny little thing. Just right for a bird loving boy’s pocket.

Love you, Magoo.