3 Replies to “Candy”

  1. 😛 🙂 😆 WOW! I just got finished making these and I am so impressed! They were a lot easier to make than I thought. They also have already started working on my sore throat. All my family is amazed. The only problem I found with these was the clean up. Since I was trying to hurry and get them cut I did not have time to wash my utensils and then it dried on my pot, spoon, countertops, and then on my pan. But all I simply did was put water in my pot and boil it and then put my wooden spoon in there also and it came off with no problem. When washing my pan I just ran hot water on top and scrubbed off with a rag. And for my countertops I got a hot rang and scrubbed off. Just thought i would share my ways of how i cleaned up because I know from previous experiences with other similar recipes it can turn out to be a kitchen disaster! Anyway, I absolutely love these & will most definitely be making these once i run out! Thank You so much for sharing this (:

  2. I fixed the link so it should work now. It’s taking a while to update them all from when Word Press changed something–and ALL the links on my site broke. 🙁 But if you ever want to find something and it says the link isn’t fixed yet, just type it into the search bar. That should get you there. In the meantime, I’ll keep updating. Thanks for letting me know.
    And ps–the Egg Nog Fudge is heavenly!!

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