Now We’re Talking…

Woke up to all this–at last, at last!

Finally, Mother Nature actually listened to my chanting and begging for snow—and turned Mr. Frost loose in our neck of the woods. Yee haw!

Of course, you know, my dream is to be totally and completely snowed in–when my whole family is home, of course. That way, we’d just sit around and play games, and cook ridiculously yummy things and goof around and be together.

You know, like the early readers always talked about in grade school.

“One very snowy day, Dick and Jane looked out the window. The ground was white. The sky was white. Everything, everywhere was white. There was snow, snow, SNOW! They could not go out. They had to stay in. There was too, too, too much snow!”

The perfect day for reading the new books in the basket,

doing a bit of old-fashioned Christmas card writing,

and especially dreaming of the jolly fellow with that big bag of toys.

“It’s the most wonderful timmmme of the year…”

5 Replies to “Now We’re Talking…”

  1. Oh yes! I have to admit that I love the snow too. We did not get quite as much as you though!! We did get a couple of inches and I love the white beauty of snow! Perfect hot chocolate weather. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Before getting snowed in you would have to make sure your food storage is good and you have all the baking items you need. 😉 My Christmas cards are done all they have to do is be mailed out.

  3. Dang good point, Kathy. Before the infamous “Blizzard of 2010” we went through our supplies and updated them. Then, of course, it never happened.
    Crazy weatherman.

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