For many years, my Halloween decorations had their traditional places in my house–this one on the window sill and that one on the piano. You know how it works. Then life changed and we moved a ton–4 times in as many years. If I could even find the decorations–they went wherever they would fit and sometimes that meant leaving them in the storage tubs altogether.
But this October, it was pretty dang fun to sort through Halloween tubs and decide what was mine and what would be better off living somewhere else. One by one the decorations came out. As I unwrapped them, each thing seemed to know right where it belonged. This one on the window sill and that one on the book shelf.
Almost like they were just waiting to finally get to this cute little house and help make it truly…

Ohhhhhh! It still makes me happy seeing all these out as they should be. 😀
Holidays are the best. I’m glad you’re finally able to celebrate them just the way you want. 🙂