
sparrows to share lunch breadcrumbs with…

letting a toddler pick the movie…

a girl with discriminating taste…

a basket full of yarn…

pretty things at a sidewalk sale…

the very idea…

giant blue heads…

shamrocks popping up everywhere.

What about you? What are you loving today?


10 Replies to “Loving…”

  1. That I got to work 4 minutes earlier than normal because that means there weren’t any accidents to slow us down!

  2. I love that there are finally flowers and plants perking up because it’s getting warmer. I love that there’s more sunshine. I love that sometimes a jacket will do instead of a big coat. I love your blog! 😉

  3. I positively LOVE that guy! I think we’ve watched it about 6 times since it came out–and I’m not done yet!

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