Flag Windchime

This pretty little wind chime is much easier to make than I would have thought.  And you know how I feel about doing really hard stuff–and calling it crafting.  Don’t like it one little bit. So, please trust me when I say this one is fun, fast and pretty dang easy…or it wouldn’t be here.

What you’ll need:



red, white, and blue craft foam

small hole punch

50 gold or star brads

30 small paper clips (ours were gold)

1 white hanger

24 white or clear pony beads


13 bells (ours were 3/4 inch gold)


1. Cut out a 4 1/2- by 4-inch blue craft foam rectangle. Punch 4 evenly spaced holes on one of the long sides of the rectangle and 7 on the other.

2. Space the brads or stars evenly on the blue rectangle.

and affix them.

3. Cut out 7 red craft foam strips: three 1/2 by 8 inches, four 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches. Cut out 6 white craft foam strips: three 1/2 by 8 inches and three 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches.

4. Punch holes in both ends of all of the strips and thread paper clips through all the holes.

5. Attach the 7 short strips to the bottom of the blue square. Thread 4 paper clips through the holes at the top of the blue square.

6. Slide all the pieces onto the hanger–with 2 or 4 beads between–to form the flag.

7. Attach a bell to the clip on each strip.

8. Shape the hanger into a triangle shape and tie curly ribbon at the top.

Let freedom ring…or…


if you please.

Either way.


7 Replies to “Flag Windchime”

  1. I LOVE Patriotic things, and this one is SUPER cute! I love that you found sparkly foam too! SOOO great!

    The only question I have is HOW did it get to be the 4th of July season already?!? :O

  2. Really cute! John would love for me to make this for 4th of July. Now the questions is…where will I find the time?

  3. Hey, I just thought I’d inform you. As an Air Force Brat I’ve been raised to notice this…. Your flag is backwards. the blue part should always be on the left side. Sorry to be a pain. But a lot of people see it as disrespectful if its backwards. I don’t see it as such, but I do like to see it the right way. (http://www.careforthetroops.org/stuff_flag.php)

  4. Holy cow–thanks so much for telling that. I saw this craft done a bit differently somewhere else and it totally bugged me because the way they had it hanging looked so wrong to me. But according to the link you sent–they were totally right. The way I was doing it was that if it was flying in the yard this is how it would hang. I had no idea that if you hang it straight down you turn it around so that the blue is still on the left. My craft is only one sided so I’ll need to take it apart to fix it. Be patient for a few days and I’ll get it corrected.
    Seriously–thank you so much for teaching me some flag etiquette. That helps us all.

  5. I’m the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your windchime! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we’d love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a fun project idea!

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