At this warm and wonderful time of year–there is always something going on in this busy kitchen of ours. The mixer is going non-stop on some days…
making sure we have enough wheat bread on hand to make us all happy.
Something even little fingers can help with.
Speaking of bread–this batch has been drying since last week. There’s just such a fine line between half-hearted-bread-drying and the serious, no-nonsense-professional-six-day deal we do around here.
When it comes to stuffing—perhaps you already know—
Heh, heh, heh.
In fact, I happen to know that there were even some tears shed over this part of the cooking…
alas…it could not be helped–and someone had to do it. :}
We even found time to toss together some incredible Cinnamon Honey Butter…you know…to go with the bread. Busy joint, this kitchen of ours.
Then, at the end of the day there is that slowing down, big deep breath moment in this kitchen, when perhaps the most glorious tasting thing in the world is…
a simple cup of herb tea, with just a smidge of honey.
Because, after all–the baking is finally, finally finished…
at least for today.
I feel pretty lucky to have you cooking up a storm so often… because I love being one of your taste testers! 🙂 Can’t wait to see what delicious thing you come up with next!