Harry Potter Frenzy

Thought you might fancy a glimpse of what’s going on at our place. We’re running around all crazy-like getting everything ready for our Harry Potter Movie Premier Party that happens next week. Here we have a sleeve from Mrs. Weasley’s sweater…that’s coming right along…thank you. Must. Crochet. Faster.

Collecting giveaway prizes has it’s perks–for sure. Here’s a pretty little necklace that one of our sponsors gave to me.

How would YOU  like to crochet 200 teeny tiny Hogwarts House Color rings? That’s just what another of our sponsors did. They are lovely, but I can’t imagine sewing anything that I can barely see. Amazing.

Lyndi found the Gryffindor shred for the gift bags…

and just in time too, cause the prizes just keep on coming…

and coming…

and coming.

But we don’t mind one little bit. I mean, really…

who doesn’t like getting packages in the mail–

from some very good friends?

Only one week left!!

5 Replies to “Harry Potter Frenzy”

  1. Oh My Goodness!! I’m so excited….I really hope I win that amazing Snape doll!!!! AWESOME!!!! Can’t wait!!!

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