We have a couple new babies making their appearance here in the next few months–which for me, means that I have some huge hookey work to do. Babies—babies! Tons of them!! Could anything possibly be more fun?
My first project is this pretty little Granny Ripple. I found the instructions over at the Lazy Hobby Hopper. Turns out, she’s got step by step instructions for this lovely stitch and since I’ve been pining away since I first saw it, I figured now’s my chance.
I was very unsettled about the colors that the mom chose–just never seen this combo together. It worried me so much that I hesitated to even start because I just pictured myself pulling alllll those stitches out. But my worries were silly because as you can see, the colors are…gorgeous.
This is a soothing, almost sing-songy pattern that you’ll end up doing mindlessly before long. I love this kind of work because I don’t have to think about anything while stitching.
Anything, that is, but the pink, fluffy bit of sweetness that will be nestled in it’s warmth in just a few short months.
I love seeing your different projects! You really are very talented!