Chronic Crafting

April and I went to a “Handmade Boutique” this last week and saw—and worse–couldn’t resist so many things.  There was jewelry, clothing, art work, handbags, doll houses, stationery, baby toys–even homemade jam. Admittedly, April came out with more than I did, but she’ll have to confess her own sins…if you get my drift.

Here are a couple of my “indiscretions.”

The first thing that caught my eye was this stained glass bird. You can’t see it here but his tail is pink. I’m a sucker for lavender and pink. I hung him in my bedroom window and he simply sparkles up the whole room.

Then there were these “Babushka” magnets. They reminded me of my far away boy–so they came home with me too.

We even went a little nuts and bought one of those ridiculous cupcakes that seem to be all the rage these days. Somebody ate it before we could get a picture. Sheesh.

Ok, ok–it was pretty dang good.

For me, the best part about going to these things is that for a long time after, I can’t seem to stop…you know…making stuff. There’s just something very empowering about being surrounded by incredibly crafty souls.

The inspiration rubs off and makes me excited to try things like this “Flapper Hat” for Lily.  It feels so good to have my hands busy no matter what else is going on–I end up with projects in every room, and one in the car so that no time is wasted.

The more I make the more I can’t wait to make. It never ends!

Must. Find. More. Crochet. Thread. Now.

Chronic:  “Something that  has been going on for a long time. It may never get better. It is something you will have to live with.”

heh, heh, heh…

2 Replies to “Chronic Crafting”

  1. Pfffft. Indiscretions. My foot. Each of my purchases was NECESSARY.
    I love the hat, and I love when you get in crafty phases, as it usually benefits my kids 🙂
    What’s that site I need to buy thread from? Hmmm…

  2. I LOVE the flower on the hat… It amazes me that you just come up with stuff! 🙂 WOW!!! You’re great and we’re lucky to have you! 🙂 Oh… and I know another baby that likes hats… 😉

    Chronic huh… I’m sure none of US have anything like that going on. Excuse me while I go organize my ROOM of PAPER! I have to have room for my shoes… 😉

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