A Few Things…

that melt my heart~

A little lady-bug in a brand new, fluffy dress, finding a magical, Easter picture book in her basket…the same one I had when I was a girl.

The book that just might change my world a little bit…or a whole lot.

The little Jiff-kitty that would love to help me with the chicken project. Heh, heh.

Seeing that my sweet-faraway boy knows how to dye Easter eggs, without a mom directing traffic…

even in Siberia.

A simply-divine Easter treat–with the right brand, that is–which only April and I fully appreciate. YUM!

These gentle, tender souls who do their “jobs” and behave all day long…just for the promise of holding a little, mushy, sweet baby cousin.

Finding the tea cups from my long-since, packed-away dishes, just in time for some warm Peppermint tea with…

real, live, honest-to-goodness honey from my daughter’s dear friends, who raise their own bees. Heavenly!

Having a pile of lightly salted peanuts right near the computer, as a more rational, welcome replacement for the Mini Eggs–and the sugar buzz–that have been kicking around here for the past few weeks.

Those squishy little baby toes that belong to that soft, fluffy baby. Kissable.  :}

What about you? What melts your heart today?

New Year’s Eve

“New Year’s eve is like every other night; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights.”

~Hamilton Wright Mabie

:: Breaking Dawn Giveaway! ::

It’s been sooo long since we’ve done a giveaway and here we are in the middle of our preparations for Breaking Dawn that we thought–why not kill two birds with one stone? Hmmm?

So my dears–if you and a friend would like to come to our Breaking Dawn Premiere and pre-show party AND you’ll be in Orem, Utah on November 17, 2011–here’s your chance to win two tickets to both the party AND the early 10pm movie.

That’s right! The “powers-that-be” at the University Mall Cinemark have approved a pre-midnight show for our Gracious Rain theater, so not only will we walk right in–without waiting in line, but we’ll do it 2 hours early!! How cool is THAT?!

To enter, make a comment below telling me your favorite thing about the Gracious Rain blog. Simple–yes?

We’d love to have you with us ~ so, go enter!! You know you want to.

We’ll announce the winner on Monday October 3rd, 2011.

Good luck everyone!!

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Our Silly Garden

We tried to be very stalwart this year and plant our garden–as usual…but something strange is going on here. I mean, really–it’s mid August and we’ve gotten exactly 4 cherry tomatoes so far. Four–and you’re looking at two of them.

I planted the ever-bearing type of strawberries…but I think the robins frightened the plants enough that they stopped producing. Oh, wait–that only happens with cows and chickens. Sorry.

Or I suppose it could be all those weeds causing the problem…but I doubt it.  :}

The parsley came up nicely–along with the orchard grass…in the weed free grow box. Ha ha.

And what–may I ask–is this lettuce-y thing growing in the onions? We didn’t even plant lettuce!

The peas are nice, but they’ve been in the ground for a month now and the pea pods are still scrawny. Is it the dirt? Is it the heat? Is it the moon?

Or is it…just…


I’m hoping it will all perk up soon–but I’ll take any advice I can get. In the meantime, I guess I’ll try more water…and keeping my fingers crossed.

Perhaps some chanting too.  “Growww-growww-growww.”

That should do it.


White Rabbit Candy

When I was a little girl, growing up in L.A. there was a small shop down the street that all the kids called the Japanese store. It was a tiny place but just perfect if you wanted to spend the change in your pocket…or your milk money.

On the left side of the counter there always seemed to be a box of chocolate “Ice Cubes” for 5 cents each. But on the right side, at two for a nickle–was the good stuff…the White Rabbit candy. Incredibly cool. Haven’t tasted it in a hundred years.

So when April’s Jacob came back from a trip to the Orient, we were pretty happy with the present he brought us. Here’s why…

After unwrapping each piece, you find a second wrapper–made of rice paper–that you just eat. No, really. It melts in your mouth and then you get to the actual candy. It’s kind of a cream taffy that tastes a lot like–well, cream. So dang good.

So tasty in fact, that we gobbled them up in like 12 minutes.

Pretty sure Miss Chompy ate like 400 of them. So it’s actually her fault that I had to get online and…

buy a bit more. It seems that I have a possession problem.

As therapy–I’ll do a quick little giveaway for one of my precious bags. I should be more generous but I’m not cured yet…so it’s one bag. Sometimes I break out in hives when I share too much. Baby steps, folks…baby steps.

Leave a comment and I’ll announce the winner of the stupendous White Rabbit candy on Friday August 5th at 10am…if there’s any left that is.


Happy Birthday Maude!!

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