Joy In the Journey


“This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now.”

Thomas S. Monson


The Voting Is In…

The silly little flapper hat that got the most votes was #2 by a landslide. So now that we know which hat is the winner—we need to find the person winner.

This soft little thing would most likely fit a 1 or 3 year old–depending on…well, you know, how big their head is. If you win it and it doesn’t fit the intended noggin–I’ll just make another one…while I’m in this erratic, crocheting-like-a-wild-woman-phase. For those of you who emailed and asked about different sizes—I’ll get on that ASAP. Baby sizes, grown-up sizes–I’ll give it a whirl and we’ll see what works. Stay tuned.

Oh, and if you’d like to win this giveaway—just leave a comment  on this post.  We’ll choose a winner on Friday morning at 10am.

Good luck, guys!


Congratulations to Dot Mitchell!

She is the winner of the Gracious Rain & Sassyfruit Studios giveaway! (Since we had such a great response, I drew a winner both here, and on my site …so make sure you check there too, if you didn’t win here.)

Her comment was:

Oh, April’s site is super cool and fun!!! I love it. I wish her the best of luck and hope that I might win the giveaway because I have looked for a background to fit my Dots and Clovers blog… and it does not exist as far as I can find. I wish her luck and will tell people about her.

Dot: I’m blushing! Thanks for the sweet comments! email me (April) at: and give me all the details, and let’s make your blog bee-you-tiful!

For the rest of you, I’m sorry you’re sad, but here’s your consolation prize:

Sassyfruit Studios is offering 15% off to anyone who contacts me before the 16th (that’s this Saturday!) to start a custom design! Just mention Gracious Rain! Click here to get started, or email

Thanks for playing everyone!

Announcing our…


Nothing archaic about the way we choose winners around here!

Congratulations to


Alex is the winner of our Gardener’s delight package.

We hope she really “digs” it.

har har

Thanks to everyone who participated in our drawing. Stay tuned…we aren’t finished yet!

Don’t worry, it’s the Lortab talking.

Just got back from Mom’s house. She’s doing well, but is feeling pretty nauseated and sore. Jillian has her on a pretty tight schedule of meds, walking around, and eating. She’s a regular nurse, that one.

Overheard at Launi’s house this afternoon…

“Me and Cheetoes are NOT friends right now.”

“There’s just stuff flying at my face. Like just then. And now.”

“I feel like every time I drink water that it’s going to fall out all those holes.” (She had 4 scope holes for the surgery.)

“This is the longest time I’ve gone without makeup since I was 11.”

“I feel like a hag. Don’t be afraid of the snow white witch, baby!” (Lily and Beck were very cautious about being near her. They said hi, and wanted kisses, and then wouldn’t look at her anymore.)

“There’s like a magical guardian angel German shepherd in my eye. But it’s not weird or anything, he’s cute.”

She was trying really hard not to laugh, because it hurts. She was also trying really hard not to say anything that would make it to the blog. Um. Yeah. So she’d think of something, and then cover her mouth, and then start laughing, and then she’d moan and tell me why she was laughing, and well…

Thanks for your continued prayers and thoughts, we really appreciate it.
