On my way to class and I’m simply overwhelmed at the beautiful world I am blessed to live in.
Sometimes it takes my breath away.
100 happy days #45…with a bit of sadness mixed in.
Woke up the other day to this outside the window.
Luckily, we knew ahead of time that it was happening…but still…
after as many years as we have lived here…
and after as many years as this old tree has lived here…
it was still a shock to see it coming down.
Believe me, we don’t take this kind of thing lightly, especially when it’s such an ancient, beautiful tree.
But, sadly, the wind storms that we’ve had lately have taken out so many big limbs and damaged so many others, that we realized that the next limbs to go would likely take the neighbors roof–or worse yet, their children’s play set–out with it.
THAT was too big of a risk and it wasn’t worth taking. So the only thing to do was to remove the risk completely.
But ooooh, it was a sad, sad day.
We’ll certainly miss that old guy in the corner.
100 Happy Days #1
Yeah, I’m quite certain this pretty little thing is making me happier than anyone has a right to be. I’ve never actually walked in to a car dealership and bought a car..like ever. But to walk in and say, “Yeah. That one,” and drive out with it was…well…
it was magic, I tell you.
Please understand that I’ve behaved quite well for a number of years–19 in fact. Truth be told, I have loved this crazy, silly red van that has driven all my children to every single important thing that could possibly be imagined. It’s been a solid old trooper…indeed.
it never made me look out the window…
and giggle.
You are most likely thinking, “Enough with the posts about leaves already.” So, instead lamenting about all those crazy things that have been raked up twice already, I’ll show you what was hiding in that dreadful patch of weeds out there to the right.
These cute little baby pumpkins were just lurking there in the shadows, no doubt waiting for someone to discover them…too late for Halloween, but just in time to add that lovely harvest-y feeling to the Thanksgiving week.
Aren’t they just gorgeous?
Beats all the new leaves in the front yard.
Sorry, couldn’t help myself.