From The Boy…

So, finally we get pictures of my baby boy from the MTC (Missionary Training Center)–and doesn’t he just look like he’s enjoying himself?

It’s so-SO strange to have him about 7 miles away and yet, I haven’t actually spoken to him in a month. He is a lovely little letter writer though and it’s the highlight of the week to get–first his email on Tuesday and then a few days later a real letter in the mailbox.

He’s learning the Russian language really fast–which is very satisfying to him and he’s making some wonderful friends too.  I can send him letters and packages and email whenever I want and it gets to him the same day. So there’s the advantage to living down the street from the MTC— which is good for my silly, achy mama heart.

He leaves for Russia in a few short weeks–so I have to send things while I can. Mail to Russia is very slow and it can take a month to get a letter and 3 months to get a package. That means that if I want him to get a present for his birthday in July, I’ll need to mail it in April–before he even leaves for the country. That’s crazy. But the best news is that when he’s at the airport, he gets to call home.

It will be so good to hear that cute voice again.



Happy Birthday Lynnette!

The Plaque

This moment…

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from our lives.

A simple, special, memorable moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and keep close to my heart.

If you are inspired to do the same–leave us a link in the comments.

Happy weekend everyone.


So-So Grateful…

for a sweet, clever daughter that can add her own twist to a fashion statement.

for an “Uncle Dane” that can take a few simple props and turn them into a magic castle tent for Chompy.

that my hand is healing very nicely…thank you. Now where’s that crochet hook?

that a smile from this little dude can soothe an achy heart.

that a good book at bedtime is still a wonderful diversion.

that my sister is doing that “happily ever after” thing.

to come to this beautiful place with all 5 of my dear children…who aren’t actually children…anymore.

that someday…someday…I will take such a picture again.

Please, please share what you’re grateful for this fine day. I’ll add them to the Gratitude List AND in the quote rotator on the side bar. We’re nearly at 300 now–help us get to a 1000 “Things To Be Grateful For!”




“The degree of our love for the Lord and for our fellowmen can be measured by what we are willing to sacrifice for them. Sacrifice is a demonstration of pure love.”

Elder M. Russell Ballard



This moment…

A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from our lives.

A simple, special, memorable moment.

A moment I want to pause, savor and keep close to my heart.

If you are inspired to do the same–leave us a link in the comments.

Happy Saturday my friends…