These Cuties

Last week, I took on a new and very different job for 5 days.

I got to look after this handsome Beckham fellow…

and his pretty sister Lily while their folks were gone…to Cancun. Yeah, I know. Cool, right?

I was a little nervous at first because, well, it’s been awhile since I’ve been the person in charge. When you’re in the Grammy Phase the only person you’re the boss of is yourself. So this was very, very different.

So was this…

and this and the natural peanut butter that you have to stir. Very interesting…and tasty but different.

April–the mom–is really getting into the healthier life-style–as we all are. She’s just a little further along on the path than some of us. We’re working on it.

Here’s something else that was different. No, not the kids. Look at the wooly sheep by Lily’s elbow, and the other one behind Beckham’s head. Those, my friends are dogs. Bali and Petra to be exact. Have you ever heard me talk about dogs? No, you haven’t because I have cats at my place. No canines. So taking care of two doggies was pretty dang new to me.

In fact, as part of our weekly adventures, we got to take them to the groomers–which was a-day-at-the-circus all by itself. Especially when I couldn’t find the leashes…anywhere. Just let your imagination soar here, and you’ll get the picture.

But this little guy and his sister and mommy came to visit us too–which was wonderful.

After playing in the sprinklers and in the kiddie pool, the little people did plenty of this.

And once they were in bed–I did plenty of this and  this. Yeah, I’m in love with these guys…  which is of course…

nothing different at all.

Heh, heh.

Orchard Love

I saw this sweet little game online the other day, that reminded me of Hi-ho Cherry-O from when I was a kid. After looking closer though, I found out that it’s even better. It’s called Orchard and as you can see, even a three-year-old can play it.

First, you load the trees up with fruit–green apples, yellow pears, blue plums and red cherries.

Then somebody rolls the dice.

If you roll a color, you get to pick a fruit from the tree…

and put it in your basket.

But if you roll the dreaded crow, you have to take a puzzle piece that will put a picture of the nasty old bird together. Now then, here’s the good part–with this game, the kids are actually cheering for each other instead of duking it out, because the point is to pick all the fruit before the bad-guy crow shows up and eats everything. There’s no competition between players –only working together against the crow.

Isn’t that a fabulous idea? No, no, this is not a paid advertisement. I was just so happy to find such a perfect game for Miss Chompy, Lily and the Beck, that I wanted to tell somebody about it. And so you know, the kids and I have played the game about 25 times in the last few days.

Yeah, that’s us.

Playing till we drop.

Heh, heh.

Tell me~ have you every heard of Orchard? What are your kids favorite board games?

PS– Gracious Rain is in 2nd place in the KSL Best Local Blogger Contest!! If you’d like to vote go right here and register…then vote. Thanks- thanks!!

The New Kid

A new baby is such an adventure for everyone involved–mom, dad, sister, Aunts, Uncles…and cousins.

Now, Lily–she wants to hold this little man all day long just to touch his soft hair and tell him over and over how cute he is. Which is good because everyone needs a little mama-type cousin. It makes things better somehow.

But Beckham–well, he’s more of a watcher. Content to be near-by and just close enough to make sure all is well.

Which is good because everyone needs a big protective, brother-type cousin.

It make everything perfect somehow. Don’t you think?


Happy Birthday Jillian!