Mini Halloween Decorations

When mom is putting up all the awesome Halloween decorations and you really want to help.

You’ll need a happy little witch on a broom…flying adorably backwards.

Frankenstein–of course. Duh.

Pokemon with a pumpkin headband is a particular favorite.

Annnnnnd chocolate candy corn…lots of it.

Oh, and see that push pin?

That’s how big these cute things are.

I’ll let you know when she’s ready to be hired out to decorate YOUR place.

Just so you know, I’m first in line.


A Dark Knight Kitty

My son-in-law Josh is getting pretty dang good with his laser printer. So good in fact, that he couldn’t resist the urge to make a costume for Mr. Hobbes.

Oh, yeeeeah. He was, as you can see, thrilled. 

Buck up kitty. We must make sacrifices for the sake of Halloween…


spirit. Yeah, that’s it. Spirit.

Halloween is almost here, and YOU my fine, furry friend–are going as…

the Bat Cat.

Fear him.

Yer a Wizard…Tarmac


Oh, my goodness. As October approached, I had a dilemma. What was little Tarmac going to be for Halloween?

At first I thought a ghost would be fun and easy. Easy yes, but pretty boring too. Then I wondered if a witch would be good. But this squirrel is a boy–so that was out.

Of course, the only thing to do was to make him a WIZARD–sparkly star cape and all!!

He even has a Trick or Treat bag full of Halloween squirrely goodies.

Yeah, yeah…lost my marbles. I know.

Sure having fun though.

Works for me.

“Paper” Chains

Oh, my goodness do I ever have a new LOVE!! I mean, seriously–just look at these cute little crocheted “paper” chains!!

Yeah, it started out innocently enough. I found the pattern for these red, white and blue ones and tweaked it in a few crucial places–as is my style–and we ended up with these pretties.

Then, try as I may, I couldn’t stop. They just kept coming and coming and coming. These “summer” ones looked more like Easter sooo, I finished them and put them downstairs in the box with all the baskets.

Then the quest for the perfect real Summer colors began and ended here. What do you think? I lovvvvve them. They just scream beaches, hot sun and ripe peaches.

Now, you would likely think that I’d be done by now but noooOOOooo. Considering my yarn stash is about nine miles wide–I have SUCH plans…

starting right here.

Heh, heh, heh.


The Halloween Tradition

Ahhh…such a happy tradition around here. Halloween just plain doesn’t work without these ooh-y, gooey Caramel Popcorn Balls.

I’m pretty sure all my kids like them, but I have this one daughter who says things like, “Yay! This is ALL I want at Halloween!” and “these are my absolute favorite!” She even texted me the other day with a crying face emoji and said the unthinkable, “I’m out of popcorn balls.”

Such a good, good daughter.

What some people know is that if you really, REALLY love one of my recipes and you make enough fuss about it–the likelihood that I’ll cook it for you goes waaaaay up.

You know what that means….

I guess I must desperately need constant, unbridled praise/adoration,


yes, I absolutely can be bought.