Skater Girl


That One Chick–the last…

I’ll keep this short. Yes, yes, I was an amazing roller skater when I was a kid—even without ever owning a pair of real shoe skates. These sad little deals just fastened on to your shoes and you prayed your little head off that they didn’t rip off at the wrong moment and fling you into the corner mailbox…which by the way, happened quite frequently. Yes, it hurt. Thanks for asking.

Ok, enough of this me, me, me stuff. As you can see–I’m tired. Ha ha…

So, here’s your last chance to get in on this giveaway—the prizes of which will be explained first thing Monday morning–March 1, 2010.

Make a comment on this and/or any of the “That One Chick” posts and you receive 1 entry for each.

I’m still gathering the prizes–so be on the lookout.

I’ll be back.

Obsession Miami-Style

That One Chick #3

I have a big confession to make.

I’m truly, madly, deeply in love with Horatio Caine…from CSI Miami. Now I know that I am pretty much alone in my wild devotion, but it can’t be helped. I’m a sucker for a guy that is always saving people and kindly calls a lady “sweetheart.” Hmmmm…

When I went to Florida, I had a wonderful time, but I kept my eyes open everywhere we went…you know…just in case he popped up somewhere and asked me to marry him…you know…randomly. A girl needs to be prepared at all times.

Sadly, it didn’t happen. Maybe next time.

Or, I could just to go back to my Scotish Farmer fantasy.

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*Remember to comment on my blog posts during the month of February to be entered in to win!

For more information on “That One Chick” giveaway click HERE

You could win some cool stuff!

“That One Chick’s” Giveaway

Our cute friend Kali from  “I Love You Everyday” blog is doing a sweet little giveaway and invited us to play along.

Here’s what SHE said about it…

“Everyday for the month of February, I will post something random about myself. Some may be long stories, some small facts, funny or sad or boring. I’m putting myself out there. Wanna join? Make a comment on any of my posts with one of YOUR random facts that somehow relates to mine. I’ll enter you in a drawing for every comment you make. Yes, that means you could be entered 28 times (if you are clever enough to find something we have in common every single day). I’ll draw the winner on March 1st and then send you a package of love from Boston, filled with some of my favorite things.

“How fun would it be if you hosted the same giveaway on your blog too? We would have a whole blog-o-sphere of random, somehow related facts floating around– and more packages for everyone! Feel free to copy and paste this post to your blog with a link to mine.”

So just because it sounds really fun–we’re going to do it too–starting today–and see where we land. Since I already do a daily blog, every few days in February– I’ll post a random fact about “that one chick” (me), and you can make a comment that somehow relates to it–even vaguely–about yourself. Each comment will earn you one entry to the Gracious Rain “That One Chick’s” Giveaway. I’ll start assembling the prizes right this minute–and tell you about it soon. It’ll be cool–you can count on that!

So get ready to chat it up!

We’ll post the winner on March 1, 2010 at 10 am

“That One Chick” Fact #1

For my seventh birthday, I got a scary looking doll called “Little Miss No Name.” Seriously, she was supposed to be something like the Little Match Girl only really awful looking. I asked for her after seeing a commercial for her that made me cry. I knew no one else would ever want her so I wanted her.

She’s always scared my kids. Believe it or not, I still have her and she is still as…interesting…as ever.

Wee Knit Giveaway!!

If you know us at all–you’ll know that we–as a family–just aren’t into the noisy, flashy, spinny toys that seem to be all the thing these days. I swear, some of them seem kind of…possessed…ummm…I mean, a bit over the top. Which is why I love, love, LOVE these sweet little finger puppets from Wee Knit.

No, this is not a paid endorsement, I just really love them.

Years ago, I bought a little Gingerbread Man at Mormon Handicraft in Salt Lake City. He was so sweet and tiny and adorable that I couldn’t help myself. I soon found that he fit very nicely on top of a knitting needle that was poking out of my pencil cup. He has lived there ever since.

So then one day, I’m dinking around on Etsy (the online shop for all things Handmade) and I found the WeeKnit shop–where my little cookie man came from! Wahooo!

I contacted them to see if they could conjure up an Edward and Jacob finger puppet for our New Moon party. Jennifer was wonderful with my silly special order. As you can see–they did an incredible job!!

(Wait until you see what I’m going to order for Christmas! hee hee…)

You need to visit the shop–seriously. These gals–Tracy and Jennifer, a mom and daughter–have thought of everything. Movies, TV shows, Story books.

Recognize these little guys?

You need animals? Circus clowns? Ninja Turtles?

Pirates? Easter? Nativity?

Trust me…they’ve got them.

They even have a Valentine set—and it’s on SALE!

What a great gift for your little Valentines–hint, hint.  ;]

Now–since it’s been such a long, long time since we’ve had a giveaway AND because, again, I can’t help myself–we are giving one lucky reader this adorable “Little Red Riding Hood” Finger Puppet Set–from WeeKnit.

Sooo. Dang. CUTE!!

To enter, simply go to the WeeKnit site and tell me in the comment section below, which set is your very favorite. Oh, and it has to be one that I haven’t show here.

I’ll announce the winner Monday morning January 25, 2010–first thing.

Good luck my dah-lings!

Gracious Rain Blogiversary!


Now, I figure this is an event worth celebrating–wouldn’t you say? Maintaining a daily blog for one whole year has been a pretty wild experience–and very, very good for my brain. So, since this is my cute little blog and I like to think I’m queen of the whole world–we are going to have a celebration…my kind of celebration.

To thank you all for your kindness and comments, I’d just love to invite you over to my house for cake and ice cream, but alas, I’m quite certain we’d have so much fun and make so much noise that somebody’d get arrested…likely me. So I propose an alternative to anyone doing time on my account. Here it is:

Answer the questions: What has been your favorite post, recipe, or project on Gracious Rain in the last year? and What would you like to see us do in the coming year?

Get this—Each person answering both questions, between now and midnight, TODAY October 20, 2009 will receive a gift from Gracious Rain for our Blogiversary. It could be anything from my favorite book to one of our cute little craft projects all finished–just for you. Perhaps you’ll get a pack or Ding Dongs. Or maybe…just maybe, you’ll receive the very last ticket to the New Moon premiere left in the theater. You never know–until you speak up. Oh, and after you comment, you’ll need to send your name and address to Yeah, I’ll need that.

It’s such a good day to celebrate.

I hope you’ll join us.

Thanks for being friends with us.



If you’d like—Read the very first post–from back when we were pups and had no clue what we were doing. :]