By load I mean…
So, there we were, April, the babies and I driving along, minding our own business.
I casually say, “Hey did you know there’s a new bakery in Provo, on University. It sounds cute–Fairy something.”
She says, “Ooooh. Let’s go. Right now.”
Pretty sure she meant, “Right now before we have time to think about it more clearly. Right now, before we have a decent, low fat breakfast of Cheerios and half a banana…for the 27th morning in a row. Right now before we add up the treadmill time this trip will surely cost us.”
As we drove around in the strip mall, trying to find the silly place, I’m looking on both sides of the street, saying, “Where? Where is it?” Then, suddenly, as if someone turned on a huge floodlight–which would have been completely unnecessary, since it was 10:00 in the morning–but you know–like that, we could just FEEL that the place was near. Turning in slow motion, to the right…we found it.
Oh my…I think the theme song to Gone With the Wind might have been playing right about now.
We unbuckled the babies and walked cautiously towards the shop. I had goose bumps up and down my arms—no doubt because of the music–and had to suppress the urge to giggle like a 4 year old.
Now, please believe me–I tried to be mature about this. You need to understand that this place was so perfect, all pink and sparkly and fairies and magic–and I haven’t even mentioned the cupcakes yet. That is because as I remember the experience my breathing screws up. I think I may be hyperventilating.
The frosting alone was worth the trip. Heck, looking at the frosting alone, was worth the trip. Wisely, April has a wrangle grip on Beckham and I had Lily on my hip to avoid any Tasmanian-type rampage. And how could we have blamed them if they had gone completely berserk? We were having a hard time not licking the glass ourselves. The only words that would come out of my mouth were, “Oooohh…man. We’re in so much trouble.”
Sixteen month old, Lily takes one look at the display cases filled with enough sugar to send any regular Jane into a diabetic coma, points to the tray full of cupcakes and says, “Do it!”
I couldn’t agree more.
The pretty little gal behind the counter would have to admit that once we got the uncontrollable shaking stopped, we were pretty rational. One each, we told ourselves. That didn’t work because I wanted the Key Lime but I needed the Strawberry Shortcake. So naturally that meant that April needed to choose two–just to be fair. She chose orange and peanut butter cup.
Now most people know that you really can’t put four cupcakes in a box that is designed to hold six cupcakes. It totally messes up the balance of the box-not to mention life in a parallel universe, plus those empty spaces just look stupid. There was nothing for it but to choose one more…each. She chose the vaNIEla (Named after Stephanie Nielson of NieNie dialogue fame) and I chose chocolate mint–because I had no choice. It was calling to me.
We came promptly home and cut the gooey little beauties in fourths so that we could all have a taste of each. They were all wonderful–of course, but Key Lime is worth crawling to Denver and back for…in my opinion. April’s favorite was the orange. Jillian loved the peanut butter cup. I’ll get back to you on Lyndi’s favorite.
What a heavenly, magnamonious, perfectly perfect afternoon.
Oh, and no, we didn’t tell the men. What they don’t know, we don’t have to share.
hee hee…
Week 10 Food Storage Prompt:
4 cans of tuna; 4 boxes of macaroni and cheese.