Ever Wondered~

where citrus essential oils come from? 140

Look very closely at this picture. I was sitting in the car peeling a tangerine one chilly winter day.


When, to my delight, and because the sun was hitting  in just the right spot, I could clearly see all the lovely citrus-y oils, simply bursting out into the air.


And of course, those teeny, tiny oil drops above my fingertips, are just the ones released when I tore through the peel.


Look at the hundreds–perhaps thousands of drops left in the un-torn part of the strip. See them?


Imagine if you could capture all those misty little drops and save them in a container to use later. Wouldn’t that be incredible?


So, WHY hasn’t someone figured out how to capture all that Tangerine goodness and bottle it?! Hmmmmm?

Oh, wait.

They did.

Heh, heh, heh.


Hall Cupboard Cleanout


Yes, yes. I’ll admit it. The hall cupboard was a mess. This is the top shelf and all the things you want to keep from the little people. Cleaners, bug spray, and umm…game pieces…apparently.


Second shelf was, sadly worse because with our newly acquired love of a more natural approach to healthcare, well…things on this shelf just got kinda stuffed in and neglected.


The first step was to gather and throw away everything that was old, outdated, expired or otherwise deadly. The bag was huge…trust me. I would have taken a picture of it but it sincerely embarrassed me. So, instead I snuck it out and dropped it in the trash. Next, I put all the old lotions and perfumes in a bucket and tried to figure out if I wanted to keep them or not. I looked up “perfume and lotion disposal” on Google and found that this calm, non-assuming little bucket holds “toxic, hazardous waste” and that I wasn’t suppose to dispose of it in the regular trash…it was that bad. Funny that it doesn’t say anything like that on the labels. It just tells me how to apply it to my FACE.  yikes.


It was amazing how much space there was once all the crazy, nasty, old stuff was gone.


 There was plenty of room for the cough drops, and light bulbs and nail polish and chap stick.


And best of all–I saved a nice, cozy spot for my oil box, smack-dab in the middle. Where we can all get at it.

Just as it should be.

Gr Signature


Homemade Diaper Cream


Oh, I’m feeling pretty clever right about now. Uh-huh.


I found a recipe for purely natural, homemade diaper cream and with a tiny tweak, it’s positively luscious!


And since I teach lots of classes to lots of expectant moms, it seemed like the perfect thing to make a zillion little samples of. So, as you can see…


that’s just what I did. But the thing about this stuff is–it’s really a perfect first aid cream as well. In fact, I’ve been using it all weekend to soften my cuticles, and heal a tiny cut on my thumb, as chapstick and on a dry patch of skin by my ear. I know. Random.

But the point is that this is some very universal, soothing, healing cream that has quite a few purposes…one of them just happens to be Diaper Cream. But the list goes merrily on– rashes, burns, scrapes, chapped skin, etc. Handy-dandy stuff I tell you.


I thought maybe you’d be so terrifically impressed that you’d like to make some of your very own.

So here, my darlings, is the recipe. Prepare to be stunned at how easy and fun it is and how earthy and zen you feel. You’ll see.   :}

Natural Diaper Cream


1/2 oz. (2 Tbsp) beeswax

3-1/2 oz. fractionated coconut oil

3 drops doTERRA Melaleuca

3 drops doTERRA Lavender


Put the beeswax in a glass measuring cup and place in the top of a double boiler. Gently melt over simmering water, stirring until smooth. It may take a few minutes so be patient.

Slowly add the Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Remove from heat and add the essential oil, and stir. Pour into glass jar and allow to set.

That is it. Now aren’t you glad we’re friends?



Homemade Diaper Cream
  • ½ oz. beeswax
  • 3-1/2 oz. fractionated coconut oil
  • 3 drops doTERRA Melaleuca
  • 3 drops doTERRA Lavender
  1. Put the beeswax in a glass measuring cup and place in the top of a double boiler.
  2. Gently melt over simmering water, stirring until smooth. It may take a few minutes so be patient.
  3. Slowly add the Fractionated Coconut Oil.
  4. Remove from heat and add the essential oil, and stir.
  5. Pour into glass jar and allow to set.