Honey Spice Throat Drops

And oh, my goodness, I’m feeling very clever right now. It just hit me one night–while I was sound asleep–maybe I dreamed it, I don’t know. But I woke up thinking, “I need to make my own throat drops!” These ones will not just soothe a scratchy throat, but they can actually strengthen the immune system against the nastiness that is causing it in the first place. So there.

I have recently become an enormous fan of  essential oils–I know, I know, I was a bit slow to catch that train. But I’m here now and I’m pretty excited to find all these unbelievably simple ways to help the sweet little moms and dads that I teach every week…plus my own family and friends. So my Honey Spice Throat Drops are a good place to start.

Here is my brand new secret recipe…

Honey Spice Cough Drops


2 cups sugar

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup honey

1/4 cup butter

5-10  drops OnGuard (protective blend) essential oil

Put all the ingredients except essential oil in a heavy pan and cook slowly over medium heat until it reaches the “hard crack stage.”

Because area, altitude and climate can make such a difference in candy making, PLEASE click on this link and test your thermometer for your area. It will make all the difference in whether or not your drops are too soft, just right or burned. For example–at sea level, Hard Crack is between 300 and 305 degrees. But here in Utah, where we are waaaaay above sea level, Hard Crack is about 275-280 degrees. BIG difference. If you do this test and follow the directions~ your drops will work.

Resist the urge to turn the heat up higher to speed up the process. It will burn unless you keep it on medium and check it often. Once you can drizzle a spoonful of the syrup into a cup of cold water and have it turn to brittle threads–take it off the heat immediately. Wait about 30 seconds to a minute and then add the essential oil. Stir.

Pour into a buttered cookie sheet.  Fold edges of the candy into the middle with a metal spatula until cool enough to handle.

Working quickly, pull and roll into long strips…

and cut into nickle size pieces.

Allow to cool completely and harden. If your drops have been cooked long enough, you’ll be able to store them in a ziploc bag.

If they are a bit soft and still sticky, wrap them in waxed paper squares and store in a ziploc bag.

Just wait until you tell your friends what you just did.

You’ll likely be worshiped as a Goddess of Health and Happiness.

If you play your cards right, it’ll be true.

Note: You can also us Peppermint, Wild Orange,  Lemon or any number of yummy doTERRA Essential oils–think Lime, Fennel, Spearmint— oh, my.

Make sure your essential oil is the purest grade available. If it does not say that it is ingest-able, then it isn’t–so in that case don’t use it in this or any other recipe.

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4.8 from 5 reviews
Honey Spice Throat Drops
  • 2 cups sugar
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ cup honey
  • ¼ cup butter
  • 5-10 drops protective blend essential oil
  1. Put all the ingredients except essential oil in a heavy pan and cook slowly over medium heat until it reaches the "hard crack stage."
  2. Resist the urge to turn the heat up higher to speed up the process. It will burn unless you keep it on medium and check it often.
  3. Once you can drizzle a spoonful of the syrup into a cup of cold water and have it turn to brittle threads--take it off the heat immediately.
  4. Wait about 30 seconds to a minute and then add the essential oil.
  5. Stir.
  6. Pour into a buttered cookie sheet.
  7. Fold edges of the candy into the middle until cool enough to handle.
  8. Working quickly, pull and roll into long strips...and cut into nickle size pieces.
  9. Allow to cool completely and harden.
  10. If your drops have been cooked long enough, you'll be able to store them in a ziploc bag unwrapped.
  11. If they are a bit soft and still sticky, wrap them in waxed paper squares and store in a ziploc bag.

Chasing Ants

Experiment- I’m going to lightly spray doTERRA Peppermint and Cedarwood essential oils on my garden shoes before digging in the yard. Pretty sure it will send all the Box Elder bugs and ants scurrying AWAY from me instead of up my pant legs. Yikes! Here I go.
Oh and if it doesn’t work, I have Lavender to soothe the skin irritations. Wish me luck!



PS–It worked!! BAhahha!


Calming Lavender Cloud Dough

lavender cloud dough recipe

A soothing moldable dough that will give children a sensory experience and help them calm down at the same time. Where was this magical thing when I was raising kids?

Found it on Growing A Jeweled Rose. Can’t wait to try it for the grand-littles.

I can see it now…

“Here my darlings. Play with this lovely…smushy…comforting dough…ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz.”

“Grammy? Grammy?”

Gr Signature

Honey Spice Throat Drops Season

100 Happy Days #54

Ahhh…here we are again, at that lovely time of year. My absolute favorite, to be exact. Leaves changing and falling everywhere. The holidays approaching. That nippy cool snap in the air. But with all this loveliness also comes the musty furnace coming on at night and the cool air coming on in the day. It’s a balance from hour to hour to not roast or freeze. At our house, sometimes all these changes brings an occasional bout of scratchy throats for the big and little folks.

Must be time to whip up a batch of Honey Spice Throat Drops! Yummo.

Now, I need to tell you–if you venture out and make your own throat drops using this recipe, please, PLEASE go HERE first and find out what Hard Crack Stage actually is for your area at this time of year. It’s not hard to figure out, but it is different everywhere and changes with the weather and moisture in the air. It’s pretty aggravating to follow the directions and have the same temperature I use actually not set up, or worse, burn in your area. Do the test and your drops will work.

Mine were a tad more sticky this time because it was raining outside while I was making them. I should have cooked them a minute or two longer. But they still tasted great and did the job.

Yee haw. I love these things!

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Honey Spice Throat Drops RECIPE

Ever Wondered~

where citrus essential oils come from? 140

Look very closely at this picture. I was sitting in the car peeling a tangerine one chilly winter day.


When, to my delight, and because the sun was hitting  in just the right spot, I could clearly see all the lovely citrus-y oils, simply bursting out into the air.


And of course, those teeny, tiny oil drops above my fingertips, are just the ones released when I tore through the peel.


Look at the hundreds–perhaps thousands of drops left in the un-torn part of the strip. See them?


Imagine if you could capture all those misty little drops and save them in a container to use later. Wouldn’t that be incredible?


So, WHY hasn’t someone figured out how to capture all that Tangerine goodness and bottle it?! Hmmmmm?

Oh, wait.

They did.

Heh, heh, heh.
